Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog

How You Can Help Improve Your Back Health

January 1, 2017
How You Can Help Improve Your Back Health
While one of our primary goals for all of our North East Minneapolis chiropractic patients is to give you the best musculoskeletal health possible, the reality is that we can only do so much in the few minutes a week that we see you. This means that a bulk of the responsibility falls back on you and the behaviors you do or do not engage in that can ultimately affect your back health.
What types of behaviors?
  • Paying attention to your posture. When you walk, stand, or sit with poor posture, you’re not only fatiguing your muscles as they work to keep you upright, but you also limit your mobility as your discs and joints fall out of line. One way to break this habit is to put a sticky note someplace where Quick read more or view full article you will see it often, reminding you to sit or stand up straight.
  • Taking your vitamins. Certain vitamins and minerals can help improve the strength and stability of your spine. These include vitamin D and calcium, the two nutrients that Harvard Medical School calls the “keys to strong bones.”
  • Drinking enough water. When you’re born, your spinal discs are comprised of 80 percent water. This enables them to work as they should. Therefore, in order to keep them operating at maximum function, you want to make sure you drink enough water.
  • Getting more active. If you tend to spend a lot of time sitting, you may notice the effects in your back due to the inactivity. Of course, the way to remedy this is to simply get more physical activity. Even if it’s not a standard exercise program, anything you can do to move around more can help.
  • Letting go of your ego. Sometimes it’s easier to do things yourself versus asking for help. However, if you lift things that are too heavy or awkward for you, then you risk injuring your back, potentially setting you up for massive problems both immediately and later in life. Ask for help when you need it. It may keep you from being in pain, making it more than worth it.
All of these things, in addition to regular chiropractic treatments, can help you improve the health of your back. If you want more ideas, just ask us the next time you’re in our Northeast Minneapolis chiropractic office! We’d love to help you get and stay back pain-free!

Call your Chiropractor or local Chiropractic Clinic if you have any questions!

Feel free to check out our website and our facebook page for more insight and information that could help you!

Lyn Lake Chiropractic NorthEast Minneapolis  Website and location on the New clinic.

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Seniors Benefit From Chiropractic Care

January 25, 2016
Here at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, a good portion of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients are 65-years-old or older. Additionally, that number is expected to grow quite a bit over the next few years. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging reports that this portion of the population will almost double by the year 2040, increasing from 14.1 percent to 21.7 percent. 

Whether you’re in this age bracket now or soon will be, chiropractic care can help you grow older with less pain and, ultimately, more grace. How?

Chiropractic for Back Pain Among the Elderly
As one report published in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies points out, “the most common reason for an older adult to see a DC is musculoskeletal pain, most often lower back pain.” Fortunately, chiropractic is an effective option for this problem which is all too prevalent in aging individuals. 

For instance, a case study involving an 83-year-old Quick read more or view full article man found that after just eight chiropractic treatments, his spasms and tenderness was gone, his pain dropped from a 10 out of 10 to a 4 out of 10 on a pain scale, and he was able to better care of his disabled wife. Additionally, he still reported enjoying these same benefits four months after the study concluded.

A Lower Risk of Falling
Another issue that some seniors struggle with is dizziness. Unfortunately, this contributes greatly to the high number of falls reported by members in this age range, a problem which the Vestibular Disorders Association states applies to somewhere between 20 and 40 percent of our nation’s elderly. 

Chiropractic can oftentimes help as, in one case, researchers studied 14 people aged 65 and older, assessing the results of eight weeks of chiropractic care (which consisted of two visits per week) on the participants’ dizziness. One-half of the individuals who had this problem prior to the chiropractic sessions reported that this issue resolved completely by the end of the study. Some participants also reported experiencing better balance, another factor that is partially responsible for this group falling.

Although there are more benefits of chiropractic, these are the main two which affect people 65 and older. Therefore, if you fall into this age range and live in the Minneapolis  55408 area, call Lyn Lake Chiropractic and schedule an appointment today. We’re here to help you age as gracefully as we can! 612-879-8000 Minneapolis Chiropractor. Read Less

How to Shovel Snow Without Hurting Your Back

January 25, 2016
Have you ever gone out to shovel your Minneapolis drive or walkway, only to feel your back ache as a result? If so, you aren’t alone as statistics provided by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons indicate that more than 200,000 people are injured in the U.S. annually as a result of trying to get rid of snow and ice by hand. 

Does this mean that you are stuck with it until spring arrives if you want to keep your back in good health? Of course not. While you can’t always avoid injury 100 percent of the time, there is a way to shovel snow that is better for your spine and all of the muscles and soft tissues that surround it.

Proper Snow Shoveling Technique
Ideally, protecting your back starts before you even pick up a snow shovel. Because moving snow from one area to another is rather physical Quick read more or view full article in nature, you want to make sure your muscles are warmed up and ready to work. One way to do this is to walk in place or on a treadmill for a few minutes. If you have a stationary bike or some other cardiovascular exercise equipment, that would work too.
Once you’re ready to go outside and start moving the white stuff, using proper technique can save you from a lot of discomfort and low back pain.

The safest method, according to the experts at Spine-health, involves:
  • Directly facing the snow or ice you intend to move.
  • Putting one hand on the handle of the shovel and the other as close to the shovel itself as possible.
  • Instead of bending your back to pick it up, bend at the hips first and then the knees, utilizing your leg muscles to do a majority of the work.
  • When you go to move the snow, move your entire body in the new direction versus just twisting your back.
  • Walk the shovel of snow or ice to the new location and drop it, minimizing injury from heaving or throwing it.

Do these five things and you’ll reduce your risk of back injury while getting rid of the snow and ice we commonly get in the Minneapolis area. Also, make sure you come in for your regular chiropractic visits too and the staff at Lyn Lake Chiropractic will do our best to keep you back pain free! Minneapolis Chiropractor at Lyn Lake Chiropractic 612-879-8000 Read Less

Exercise Safely Outdoors In the Winter

December 20, 2015

How to Exercise Safely Outdoors In the Winter

Here in our Minneapolis chiropractic office, we see a number of patients with sports-related injuries. While some are due to overuse or pushing too hard, others are a result of the weather. Specifically, winter offers some challenges that you don’t see other times of the year—especially in Minnesota.

Because we get our fair share of cold temperatures, snow, and ice, it’s important to take precautions if you like to exercise outside in the winter months. Here are a few to consider:

  • Warm up properly before. Warming up your muscles is advised any time of year, but it is even more critical when it is colder outside. This means taking 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of your workout and engaging in a light-intensity cardiovascular activity such as walking or riding a stationary bike.
  • Stretch your muscles after. Stretching after you work Quick read more or view full article out outdoors helps keep them from tensing up, which means less pain and soreness in the next few days. Massage can help with soreness as well, so this is something to consider if you are engaging in a high-intensity or long-distance training or event held outdoors that will likely leave you fatigued.
  • Stay hydrated. Although you might not get as thirsty exercising outdoors in the winter as you do in the summer, you’re still losing water through sweat, so it’s important to stay hydrated. For this reason, be sure to take a water bottle with you so you can sip on it as you go.
  • Dress appropriately. Ideally, you want to wear clothes that wick the moisture away from your skin because, as we just discussed, you’re likely going to be sweating despite the colder temps. Also, it’s a good idea to dress in layers so you can keep your body at a healthy temperature throughout your entire workout, from beginning to end.
  • Mind your step. Because snow and ice can be prevalent in this area, you always want to be mindful of where you’re stepping to avoid a slip and fall. Although this is basic common sense, we still wanted to mention it because it is important to consider.

Do these five things and make your winter workouts safer. Also, don’t forget to come into our Minneapolis chiropractic office for your regular visits so we can help keep your spine healthy enough to sustain your active life…even in these colder months!

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Minneapolis Chiropractor - 612-879-8000

Dr. Kevin Schreifels

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Posted by Dr. Kevin Schreifels

Sinus Problems Chiropractic Can Help

December 18, 2015

Sinus Problems Got You Down? Chiropractic Can Help


This time of year, it isn’t uncommon to see many of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients struggling with sinus issues. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that almost 30 million adults are diagnosed with sinusitis on an annual basis, prompting over 11 million office visits. So this is a rather common problem in other regions as well. Admittedly, sometimes the issues can only be resolved by seeing a Quick read more or view full article medical doctor and being prescribed medication, but chiropractic can usually also help as well. 

The reason chiropractic is beneficial when it comes to your sinuses is that vertebral alignment is necessary in order for your sinuses to drain properly. Specifically, if the fluids don’t flow as they should due to issues within your spinal column, it increases the likelihood of swelling in that region and this is when problems begin as the drainage begins to accumulate, sometimes becoming infected as a result

Research has proven the benefits of chiropractic care when it comes to effectively dealing with recurrent sinus problems. For instance, there was one case study which involved a 12-year-old boy who was dealing with sinus infections every couple of months. Even though he was taking antibiotics to help control them, they kept reappearing over and over again—that is, until he started chiropractic care. 

After just two sessions with a chiropractor, he was finally able to quit taking his antibiotic as the infection was no longer present. Additionally, once he had completed three weeks of chiropractic care, researchers noted that he had better movement in his neck and upper-middle spine, allowing him to carry his head in a more upright, thus healthier position. 

Based on the amount of progress he made in a relatively short period of time, researchers concluded that "both patient and parents are aware of the quality of life that is returning as an apparent result of chiropractic care.” In other words, chiropractic can help not only relieve the bothersome symptoms of sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, headache, and fatigue), but it can essentially give you your life back by dealing with these issues once and for all.

If you struggle with sinus issues and live in the Minneapolis area try our Minneapolis Chiropractor  Dr. Kevin Schreifels at  Lyn Lake Chiropractic at (612) 879-8000 and schedule an appointment with us today!

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Posted by Dr. Kevin Schreifels

How to Tell When You Need to See a Chiropractor

December 5, 2015

How to Tell When You Need to See a Chiropractor

One of the most common questions that Minneapolis residents have when it comes to chiropractic care is how to tell when you need it. Specifically they wonder whether it is  something that you seek only when you have a tremendous amount of neck pain or low back pain, or are there other times that it can be helpful too?

To help you best understand the answer, let’s use an analogy of the dentist. Of course, when you start to get a toothache, you probably want to get a dental appointment soon to figure out what is going wrong and fix it before it becomes too problematic, right? 

Well, the same is true if you’re having any issues with lower back pain or neck pain. It’s best to get those looked at by a chiropractor sooner rather Quick read more or view full article than later so they don’t get worse and cause even more problems. Plus, studies show that chiropractic has an 87 percent success rate when it comes to relieving muscle spasms, so the sooner you get these types of issues resolved, the sooner you’re over the pain and participating in the activities that bring you job.

Going back to the dental analogy again, there’s also the issue of preventative care when looking after your teeth, which is why it is recommended that you see your dentist every six months. Ultimately, this increases the likelihood that you’ll be able to catch any areas of decay before they get too big and require a crown or root canal versus a more simple process of getting a filling.

Again, the same is true when it comes to chiropractic care. You shouldn’t wait until there are issues with your spine before tending to its health. Like any other area of your body, the more attention you give its health up front, before you need it, the fewer the problems you’re likely to have as a result.

In short, seeing a chiropractor is good from both a preventative and treatment standpoint, which means that you should make an appointment to see your Minneapolis chiropractor today—whether you’re experiencing issues or not. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and we believe that too!

When you feel it's time to see a chiropractor call our Minneapolis Chiropractic Clinic - Lyn Lake Chiropractic 612-879-8000

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Fun Ways to Increase Spine Health This Winter

November 27, 2015

Fun Ways to Increase Spine Health This Winter 


Most of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients realize that physical activity is important when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing your risk of disease. However, getting in enough regular movement is also beneficial to your spine. This makes finding fun ways to burn excess energy critical to lessening the chances that you’ll experience back pain, neck pain, or any other issues commonly associated with an inactive and inflexible spinal column. 

Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to stay physically active during the winter months if you’re an outdoors person because of the snow and ice we tend to get in this region, but that doesn’t mean that you have to hibernate until Quick read more or view full article spring to benefit your spine either. In fact, there are several fun ways to stay active (and healthy) this colder time of year. 

For instance, although fresh fallen snow may stop you from hitting the trails if you’re concerned about slipping and falling, you can still get in a great workout (and create some amazing memories) by joining your kids or grandkids in building a snowman or a snow fort. You can even use colored water in spray bottles to create a beautiful finished product. 

And if it isn’t the type of snow that packs well, shoveling the walkway or drive can be enjoyable if you prefer to engage in physical activities that also have a purpose. Certainly, it may be easier to pay someone else to do it, but the sense of accomplishment you feel when you look at all of the progress you’ve made is often worth the effort. 

Winter weather is also great for many fun sports ranging from skiing to sledding to ice skating, and more. So, grab the family or a friend and find a local hill or frozen pond and test your skills while having some laughs at the same time. That way, you can stay active this winter AND have fun while doing it, giving you a healthier body and spine. 

Don’t forget to keep up with your chiropractic visits too. Call our Minneapolis Chiropractic Clinic today at (612) 879-8000 to schedule your next appointment with our Minneapolis Chiropractor.

(As a side note: It’s always recommended that you consult with your physician before taking part in any new or higher intensity physical activity than you’re used to in order to ensure that you can do so safely.)

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The Graston Technique: What It Is and Why We Use It

October 27, 2015

The Graston Technique: What It Is and Why We Use It


Here at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, our goal is to help all of our Minneapolis patients achieve maximum health and wellness. That’s why we pride ourselves on offering a variety of different techniques designed to both prevent and treat musculoskeletal issues. And one that we use regularly is the Graston Technique.

What Is the Graston Technique?

The Graston Technique is a method which involves using stainless steel instruments to help effectively reach scar tissue or other soft tissue adhesions and get them to release, providing you with greater movement and less pain. The goal of the Graston Technique is to resolve both the symptoms and the cause of the issue, which means short and long-term relief.

Chiropractors aren’t the only ones that use the Graston Technique either. It is also commonly used by physical therapists, Quick read more or view full article athletic trainers, and other types of therapists and medical professionals in a number of different fields. What makes this technique so desirable to health care workers around the world?

Why Do We Use It?

Well, the reason we use the Graston Technique at Lyn Lake Chiropractic is simple: It works. There have been numerous research studies on this particular method of treatment and many have found extremely positive results.

For instance, one study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics involved 10 subjects with plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis, foot pain is diagnosed when the band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot becomes inflamed, resulting in heel pain—especially first thing in the morning. However, after just a few treatment sessions using the Graston Technique and doing some in-home stretches, the participants experienced less pain and greater functionality. 

Additionally, this technique is good for sports-related injuries. For example, a University of Wisconsin study published in the Journal of Undergraduate Kinesiology Research involved 14 athletes and assessed the range of motion in their shoulders before, during, and after engaging in care with the Graston Technique. Based on the results, the researchers concluded that this particular technique helped improve shoulder motion, which makes it a great addition to the standard stretching and strengthening training programs.

To find out if the Graston Technique can help you ease your pain or discomfort, call our Minneapolis chiropractic office today and schedule an appointment 612-879-8000. We’ll do what we can to get you the relief you deserve!

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Chiropractic Great for Expectant Mothers

October 27, 2015

Chiropractic Great for Expectant Mothers


Pregnancy is definitely a memorable time in a woman’s life. When you’re getting ready to welcome your precious little one into the world, feeling his or her tiny body growing inside of you, it can bring about excitement about the new life that is about to come. One way to make it even better is to come into our Minneapolis chiropractic office for regular spinal manipulations.

Research Confirms Chiropractic Benefits During Labor and Delivery

Various research studies have found that chiropractic care offers a lot of benefits for expectant mothers. Perhaps the most common one is relief from back pain often caused by the structural shifts in your body during pregnancy. In fact, approximately three-quarters of the expectant mothers who engage in chiropractic care during their pregnancy report experiencing relief after just a few treatment sessions.

Not only is this important for Quick read more or view full article a more pleasurable pregnancy, but relieving back pain is critical when you’re in labor as well. How? Women who have back pain during their pregnancy are three times more likely to have back labor, which refers to the intense back pain that some feel when giving birth. Thus, avoiding the pain while you’re carrying your child increases the likelihood that you will avoid it when delivering too.

Chiropractic Deemed Safe During Pregnancy

Of course, one of the top questions that a lot of pregnant women have when it comes to receiving chiropractic care, or any type of care for that matter, while expecting is whether or not it is safe. After all, it needs to be harmless for mother and baby alike. The good news is that it is.

Even the American Pregnancy Association endorses chiropractic for expectant mothers to help deal with common pregnancy issues such as increased back curvature, changes to the structure of the pelvis and posture, and sometimes nausea. Plus, since spinal manipulations open up the nerves to let the brain communicate effectively with the rest of the body, it allows all of your systems to function maximally, which means a healthier pregnancy and birth.

If you’re currently pregnant and want to make this time in your life as healthful and pain-free as possible, call Lyn Lake Chiropractic in Minneapolis and schedule a visit. Both you and your baby are our priorities!


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Natural Ways to Relieve Headaches

September 29, 2015
5 All-Natural Ways to Relieve Headaches

When your head is pounding, it can feel almost impossible to simply live your life. And even though you have work, home, and family obligations, you may find that the only thing that makes you feel better is lying in bed or on the couch, which may be okay if you only have headaches occasionally. But if you tend to experience head pain more often than not, like some of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients do, then you are probably looking for a better solution.

Certainly, there are a number of medications out there designed to help you relieve your headaches and migraines, but they’re not always the best option. Either the ingredients in them make you feel wired and keep you up all night, or they make you so drowsy that you can’t stay awake long enough to hear about your Quick read more or view full article child’s day when they get home from school. 

So, if you’re looking for some all-natural headache cures that work, here are five to try the next time your head pain strikes:

  • Watch your diet. Certain foods have been found to actually trigger headache and migraine pain, which means that watching your diet can help reduce the number of head pain episodes, as well as lessening their duration and intensity. Some foods and ingredients to watch out for, according to WebMD, include cheeses, food additives such as nitrites and food coloring, Chinese food (thanks to the MSG), chocolate, caffeine, dried fruits, crackers, canned soups, and cold foods like ice cream. It also helps to keep a food diary so you can identify triggers specific to you.
  • Do some stretching exercises. Sometimes headaches are caused due to tight muscles in the neck and shoulder area, which makes loosening them critical to relieving the headache pain. One stretch to try is simply tilting your head from side to side as far as you can. Another involves standing up straight and rolling your shoulders back, bringing your shoulder blades together as close as you can. No matter which type of stretches you do, be sure to use slow and controlled movements so you don’t aggravate the area even further. 
  • Get a massage. If your headaches are due to stress and tension, a massage may be just what you need to help relax your tense muscles and your mind. Here at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, we offer soft tissue and massage therapy services to all of our Minneapolis chiropractic clients, potentially helping you lessen or eliminate your head pain entirely. In the meantime though, don’t be afraid to take a few minutes and give yourself a nice, soothing temple or neck massage. It may just release some of the pain and make you feel a better almost instantly.
  • Take peppermint oil and rub it on your forehead and temples. One study published in a German health publication found that, when compared to a placebo, individuals who took two peppermint oil capsules (each one containing 10 grams of 10% peppermint oil) and also spread some of the oil on their temples and foreheads experienced greater levels of relief in just 15 minutes time, with the positive effects lasting an hour later. This is definitely a great all-natural way to say goodbye to your head pain.
  • Engage in regular chiropractic care. Of course, we would be totally remiss if we didn’t tell you how great engaging in regular chiropractic care can be for easing your chronic headache pain. If your headaches are due to tension, they typically respond well to chiropractic since these particular types of headaches are often caused by subluxations (misalignments) in your neck area. Even migraines symptoms can lessen with chiropractic care, as one study conducted by a doctor at Macquarie University revealed that 22% of chiropractic patients experienced a “substantial reduction” in migraine symptoms as a result of treatment, with an additional 50% reporting “quite noticeable improvement.”

If you suffer from frequent headaches, make an appointment at Lyn Lake Chiropractic today. Our Minneapolis chiropractors will do what we can to help you relieve, and possibly even eliminate, all of your head-related pain!

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Lyn Lake Chiropractic Official Chiropractor of Twin Cities Marathon

September 17, 2015

Lyn Lake Chiropractic is Proud to be the Official Chiropractor of Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon!


If you’re going to the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon, “the most beautiful urban marathon in America,” on October 4th, make sure you look us up because
Lyn Lake Chiropractic, home of your trusted Minneapolis chiropractors, is the official chiropractor of the race!

We love the Medtronic Twin Quick read more or view full article Cities Marathon because it is the perfect event for the beginner and novice runner alike. Plus, it offers many wonderful perks such as free transportation from various areas in and around Minneapolis and Saint Paul, a special little gift for all of the runners to remember this particular accomplishment, and blankets and beer at the finish line. Does it get any better than that?

So, what is our role in all of this?

Chiropractic and Marathon Running

When it comes to running, there are some pretty common injuries that can occur, such as:

  • Shin splints – tightness or pain in the lower leg
  • Achilles tendonitis – achiness or shooting pain in the heel area
  • Stress fracture – pain in the lower leg, often confused with shin splints
  • Runners knee – pain in and around the kneecap
  • Plantar Fasciitis – tightness or pain on the bottom of the foot and/or heel area

Fortunately, chiropractic has been proven to be an effective treatment remedy for all of these conditions. For instance, one of the techniques we use for a lot of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients who run is called the Graston Technique. The Graston Technique involves taking one of six specially designed stainless steel instruments and moving it expertly to reach the injured area and relieve the issue causing the pain and discomfort.

We also offer RockTape which is a type of kinesiology tape that a number of runners use to help prevent or relieve common running injuries. It contains no latex so it is safe for people with allergies, and it also helps boost performance, so if you’re looking for a little edge, RockTape may help!

A Couple Quick Tips for Reducing Running Injuries

If you’re running in the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon on October 4th, our Minneapolis chiropractors would love to see you! However, we also want to help you stay injury free, so make sure you stretch beforehand, run with good posture, and keep your gait so your foot isn’t overstepping your knee.

See you at the race…and good luck! Lake Chiropractic - Runners helping Runners!

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Minneapolis Chiropractic Reviews

April 8, 2015
We get so many fun reviews from our patients I thought I would share.  I found these on Google, Yelp, Yahoo and Bing.  Thanks to everyone who took the time to write something positive about Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

Stuart T.  Google
I went to Lyn Lake Chiropractic after I moved to the Cities from Quick read more or view full article out of state. I have a long-standing back issue that goes back years. The staff is exceptional, friendly, and professional. I haven't had such a wonderful experience in a chiropractic office before. Dr. Steve got me feeling good and I actually can go about two months before my back was feeling rough again. With my old chiropractor, my back was feeling rough within a month, sometimes every two weeks. So it's a much better experience at Lyn Lake Chiropractic. I'd recommend them to anyone.

Meredith L. Google
I have gone to chiropractice clinics since a childhood car accident, and this is the best clinic I've attended. They are flexible with scheduling, and their care is top notch. The staff is so professional and kind. Cannot recommend this clinic highly enough.

bikic  - Google
Dr. Kevin Schreifels and his staff actually care. They are professional but friendly and will always welcome you with a smile. I have been referred to them after my car accident almost two months ago and they took really good care of me. They are irreplaceable! Strongly recommend it!

Thank goodness for Ryan. I slept through the entire night last night for the first time in a week and a half! He is just the best. 

I grew up kind of against chiropractors as my mom thought they were "hacks" so I never went until my mid-20s when I started working out a lot and spending a LOT of time in my car as an outside sales rep. I searched on Yelp and found Lyn Lake Chiropractic. I was hooked from my first experience.

Their care model is one I fully support and love that they don't just rush through everything to get you out the door quickly. You get e-stim, a massage, and then a full adjustment plus Graston/ultrasound/additional therapies if necessary. Ryan specifically has been amazing to work with and every single time I see him I walk out feeling 5x better than when I arrived.

I definitely recommend these guys, espeically for athletes that do work on their bodies. If you are on the fence about trying chiropractic work definitely come to Ryan and he will get you hooked :)

Dr. Kevin is one awesome dude. My first visit was a walk in and he adjusted 45 minutes after he closed. Very professional, very knowledgable, definitely knows his stuff. He snapped my body around and made me feel awesome. He's very approachable, and easy to talk to . I will definitely be back there!

Lyn Lake Chiropractic wants to say Thanks to our amazing patients. Minneapolis, MN 55408
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Success in the Business World With Better Posture!

March 25, 2015

Success in the Business World With Better Posture!


Harvard Business School recently distributed an article entitled, "The Power of Posture" stating that your stance, broadly speaking, signals to the world how energetic, confident, and powerful you are. Slumped shoulders, a slow pace, and a sagging belly are taken by the world to mean that you lack confidence, that you don't have much energy, and that you are probably less important, successful, and powerful as a result. 


These impressions may be neither accurate nor fair, but they are the inevitable results of the fleeting impressions. Before your next meeting, take a couple of Quick read more or view full article minutes to "power pose" by standing with your feet apart, hands on your hips, and breathe deep while you visualize a successful outcome to the meeting.


Depression and Energy Can be Contolled by you!


In the journal Biofeedback, a study found that simply choosing to alter body posture to a more upright position can improve mood and energy levels. The subjects walked down a hallway in a slouched position and then skipped down the hallway.


The whole group reported slouched walking decreased energy levels while skipping increased energy. The participants were also asked to rate their general depression levels. Those generally more depressed noted far lower energy levels after slouched walking than those who were generally not experiencing depression.


Increase energy throughout the day. Try the 50/10 rule if you sit a lot at work or at school. For every 50 minutes you sit, get up and move around for 10 minutes. Walk the halls with a colleague while discussing a project, take the stairs outside for a quick breath of fresh air or stand up and stretch.  


Aging - Your future risk of Disability and neck pain and back pain!


Did you know that your posture can predict your future risk of disability? According to a Japanese study just published in Journals of Gerontology Series A the shape of a person's spinal column may be an indicator of their need for home assistance later in life. If you knew you could do something now to change things down the road, would you do it? No one wants to require help with bathing, feeding, dressing, going to the bathroom and other simple activities of daily living later in life. 


To check your posture look in a mirror, watch the windows when your walking down the street, take a look and see how your posture is doing.  Some people tell us poor posture is from having neck or back pain, they feel better when the slouch or lean.  If you feel your having posture issues and would like some help correcting your posture with the help of chiropractic please feel free to call us or reach out to a chiropractor near you!   Lyn Lake Chiropractic Minneapolis, MN 612-879-8000

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TMJ Chiropractic Care

March 22, 2014


There are two temporomandibular joints (TMJ), one on each side of the face. They connect the jawbone to the skull and act like sliding hinges to open and close the mouth. They are important in chewing, talking, biting, singing, and making facial expressions.

The TMJ complex involves the jawbone, skull, tendons, ligaments, muscles and 2 discs. The discs are like cushions within each joint. The muscles around the TMJ include superficial muscles (close to the surface), and deep muscles (deep within the tissues), and they are collectively called the muscles of mastication.

Problems with the TMJ or the surrounding structures cause temporomandibular dysfunction. This Quick read more or view full article is often referred to as TMJ.



There are many causes of dysfunction. Any problem with the bones, joints, muscles or connective tissues around the joint can cause TMJ. Some of the more common causes include the following:

1) Injury- falling, car accidents, fights and any direct trauma to the area can cause damage to the joint and muscles.

2) Disc dislocation- the cushioning disc within the joint itself can become dislodged or stop gliding properly which can cause the joint to stop opening and closing properly.

3) Tight muscles- the muscles that attach the head to the jaw can become tight enough that they pull the jaw to one side when opening and closing the jaw.

4) Stress- stress can cause tension in all the muscles, which can contribute to grinding and clenching the jaw.

5) Weak posture- the muscles that attach to the head and jaw also attach to the neck and shoulders. Stress on postural muscles alters motion in the TMJ.


Due to the potential complexity of determining the cause of TMJ symptoms, it is always best to seek treatment with a health care professional familiar with all the different causes of TMJ. Most TMJ is benign and responds well to chiropractic care. The chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic can help determine the cause of TMJ symptoms, and help you decide if chiropractic care for TMJ might help you.


TMJ problems can have many symptoms that can be present all the time, or come and go with motion, chewing, stress levels, or opening and closing the jaw. Some of the common symptoms of TMJ include the following:

• Jaw Pain.
• Pain in the face or neck
• Ear pain
• Headaches
• Difficulty chewing
• Inability to open the mouth
• Clicking
• Jaw locking or popping
• Stiffness


A health care professional familiar with all the causes of TMJ symptoms can evaluate your condition to determine the cause of symptoms. Once the cause has been determined, most TMJ symptoms will resolve with conservative, non-surgical, treatment.

Biomechanical Issues

The TMJ slides, glides and rotates. As the mouth starts to open the jawbone begins to rotate. As the mouth opens more widely the TMJ glides down and forward and continues to rotate slightly. The reverse happens when closing the mouth. There is a soft disc in the middle of the joint that cushions the joint and glides with the bottom part of the joint. Muscles, tendons and ligaments stabilize the TMJ.

There are two joints, one on each side of the face, that are connected by the one jawbone. If muscles on one side of the face are stronger than the other they will pull the jawbone to one side when it is opening and closing. This causes uneven wear and tear on the joints. Any muscle in the body become stronger with use and weaker with disuse- the muscles of mastication follow this same rule. When one side of the jaw is used more than the other side of the jaw, like chewing on one side consistently (especially with gum chewing), the stronger muscles pull tighter and cause the jaw to move unequally.

The disc within the joint can become locked in one place and stop gliding with the jawbone. If this happens it can block the motion of the TMJ so that the mouth cannot open all the way.

The muscles around the jaw connect to the front and back of the neck. Poor posture, with the shoulders rounded and the head forward, causes stress on all the muscles around the neck, including the jaw muscles. This frequently contributes to TMJ pain.



While many medical doctors will listen to the symptoms and provide medications that temporarily relieve pain, or refer to a surgeon, chiropractic for TMJ includes a thorough examination of the muscles, ligaments, joints, posture, and gait, as well as discussing past injuries and lifestyle habits that may be contributing to your condition. The chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic also have specialty training in complex joint and soft tissue problems that may cause TMD. This training gives patients the confidence that their doctor is providing thorough chiropractic TMJ pain relief.


Most TMJ conditions respond well to conservative treatment like chiropractic, and do not require surgery. Chiropractic care for TMJ generally includes several techniques, each chosen to relieve specific causes of TMJ. At Lyn Lake Chiropractic  incorporates:

Chiropractic adjustments: Gentle, controlled, and directed adjustments delivered to your joints and tissues to restore optimal movement and function.

• Myofascial Release (MFR): TMJ pain can be associated with overly tight and over worked muscles in the jaw, shoulder, neck and upper back. MFR works with the muscles and the soft tissues between the muscles to relax them and optimize their function. Similar to massage, MFR is a more focused and deep treatment of the soft tissues to relieve pain and restore movement.

Active Release Technique (ART): This is a very targeted treatment of specific regions in the muscles and other soft tissues to release scar tissue, and impure muscle function.

If you have any question please feel free to call 
Lyn Lake Chiropractic or call your local chiropractor.

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Sports chiropractor for a running injury?

February 1, 2014

The cycle of many running injuries goes something like this: After admitting that the pain was more than just soreness, you listened to your orthopedic surgeon talk about options ranging from surgery to rehabilitation. You spent months in physical therapy trying to rebuild strength and repair soft tissue damage, eventually hitting a plateau, only to wonder if you'll ever go out for a run again. Avoid Running injuries be pro-active in your care.

The desire to get back out to run is why many runners seek alternative rehabilitation plans that include seeing a sports chiropractor for targeted treatments for their injuries. In my case, after two months in physical therapy, my pain was shifting from my hip to Quick read more or view full article my iliotibial band and psoas muscle, and I knew that it was time to try something new if I ever wanted to run again (or even sit for any length of time).

Why see a sports chiropractor for a running injury?

Although physical therapy is often the first line of defense in rehabbing a running injury, many athletes and runners have started to rely on sports medicine-trained chiropractors. While physical therapy can focus on strengthening and coordination, chiropractic care is designed to improve joint mobilization, making sure that all the joints in the body are moving correctly. Sports chiropractic care has evolved to incorporate the best of both worlds of joint mobilization techniques and soft tissue repair, creating a new gold standard of best practices in treatment plans for patients.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic emphasizes that not only do all the joints in the body need to move correctly, but they also need to move in coordination with the soft tissue – a healthy body is one where all the factors are working well together. Runners who decide to visit a sports chiropractor should expect, according to Lyn Lake Chiropractic a thorough evaluation of bio-mechanics by their chiropractor, including:

• How they are moving.

• How they are standing.

• What the arch of the foot looks like.

• How the knees are aligned.

• How the hips are aligned.

Once an evaluation is completed, sports chiropractors will create the "recipe for the treatment stew" – taking into account the needs of each specific patient to decide between a variety of techniques, each designed to help the body regenerate healthy cells to "activate healing mechanisms."

Four types of chiropractic treatment for running injuries 

1. Active Release Technique (ART) is a combination of massage and stretching where trained chiropractors apply deep tension while they move a joint through a range of motion. ART is used primarily for adhesions deep in the muscle.

2. Graston Technique is a therapy best used for surface level scar tissue that uses handheld stainless steel tools to break down scar tissue-releasing adhesions.

3. Functional dry needling ( aka: Deep Tissue Massage ) is used for very deep trigger points to release tension in the muscles through deep muscle stimulation provided by the needles. Dry needling can be helpful for injuries involving the psoas muscle, which is a critical hip flexor muscle for runners.

4. Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) stimulates surface muscles to contract releasing tension as a complement to other techniques.

Active Release Technique for runners 

After three months of not being able to run, in almost constant pain ranging from my iliotibial band to the back of my hip and then into my psoas muscle, I was admittedly ready for anything when my orthopedist suggested trying Active Release Technique. According our chiropractor, the reason that Active Release Technique can be beneficial – especially for iliotibial band and hip injuries – is that it combines different muscle work that breaks down scar tissue while also emphasizing correct flexibility. Through Active Release, as our chiropractor explains, you can actually "elongate some of the muscle fibers making those muscles more pliable and therefore healthier."

Anyone preparing for ART should know that this is not a particularly gentle treatment. I tried telling myself that it would be like a deep tissue massage, which I enjoy, although I quickly learned that while highly effective (after three weeks my pain, though still there, was incrementally improving), the pressure and work on the muscles is deep and sometimes painful.

How to stay healthy for the long term

Staying healthy is a constant concern for professional athletes who get constant care from stretching to active release to heat or ice. Most adults or mature athletes, on the other hand, do not make the time every day to use a foam roller, apply ice or heat or keep up with stretching. Runners who have overcome an injury should consider ongoing preventive care, ranging from every two weeks to every six weeks to maintain progress and reduce future injuries.

Spring is coming soon, so when you start your spring training don’t forget to keep Lyn Lake Chiropractic the Official Chiropractor Of The Twin Cities Marathon on your speed dial.  Call if you have any questions or need some quick TLC to keep you running.

chiropractic minneapols 55408

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Sports chiropractor for a running injury?

February 1, 2014

The cycle of many running injuries goes something like this: After admitting that the pain was more than just soreness, you listened to your orthopedic surgeon talk about options ranging from surgery to rehabilitation. You spent months in physical therapy trying to rebuild strength and repair soft tissue damage, eventually hitting a plateau, only to wonder if you'll ever go out for a run again. Avoid Running injuries be pro-active in your care.

The desire to get back out to run is why many runners seek alternative rehabilitation plans that include seeing a sports chiropractor for targeted treatments for their injuries. In my case, after two months in physical therapy, my pain was shifting from my hip to Quick read more or view full article my iliotibial band and psoas muscle, and I knew that it was time to try something new if I ever wanted to run again (or even sit for any length of time).

Why see a sports chiropractor for a running injury?

Although physical therapy is often the first line of defense in rehabbing a running injury, many athletes and runners have started to rely on sports medicine-trained chiropractors. While physical therapy can focus on strengthening and coordination, chiropractic care is designed to improve joint mobilization, making sure that all the joints in the body are moving correctly. Sports chiropractic care has evolved to incorporate the best of both worlds of joint mobilization techniques and soft tissue repair, creating a new gold standard of best practices in treatment plans for patients.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic emphasizes that not only do all the joints in the body need to move correctly, but they also need to move in coordination with the soft tissue – a healthy body is one where all the factors are working well together. Runners who decide to visit a sports chiropractor should expect, according to Lyn Lake Chiropractic a thorough evaluation of bio-mechanics by their chiropractor, including:

• How they are moving.

• How they are standing.

• What the arch of the foot looks like.

• How the knees are aligned.

• How the hips are aligned.

Once an evaluation is completed, sports chiropractors will create the "recipe for the treatment stew" – taking into account the needs of each specific patient to decide between a variety of techniques, each designed to help the body regenerate healthy cells to "activate healing mechanisms."

Four types of chiropractic treatment for running injuries 

1. Active Release Technique (ART) is a combination of massage and stretching where trained chiropractors apply deep tension while they move a joint through a range of motion. ART is used primarily for adhesions deep in the muscle.

2. Graston Technique is a therapy best used for surface level scar tissue that uses handheld stainless steel tools to break down scar tissue-releasing adhesions.

3. Functional dry needling ( aka: Deep Tissue Massage ) is used for very deep trigger points to release tension in the muscles through deep muscle stimulation provided by the needles. Dry needling can be helpful for injuries involving the psoas muscle, which is a critical hip flexor muscle for runners.

4. Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) stimulates surface muscles to contract releasing tension as a complement to other techniques.

Active Release Technique for runners 

After three months of not being able to run, in almost constant pain ranging from my iliotibial band to the back of my hip and then into my psoas muscle, I was admittedly ready for anything when my orthopedist suggested trying Active Release Technique. According our chiropractor, the reason that Active Release Technique can be beneficial – especially for iliotibial band and hip injuries – is that it combines different muscle work that breaks down scar tissue while also emphasizing correct flexibility. Through Active Release, as our chiropractor explains, you can actually "elongate some of the muscle fibers making those muscles more pliable and therefore healthier."

Anyone preparing for ART should know that this is not a particularly gentle treatment. I tried telling myself that it would be like a deep tissue massage, which I enjoy, although I quickly learned that while highly effective (after three weeks my pain, though still there, was incrementally improving), the pressure and work on the muscles is deep and sometimes painful.

How to stay healthy for the long term

Staying healthy is a constant concern for professional athletes who get constant care from stretching to active release to heat or ice. Most adults or mature athletes, on the other hand, do not make the time every day to use a foam roller, apply ice or heat or keep up with stretching. Runners who have overcome an injury should consider ongoing preventive care, ranging from every two weeks to every six weeks to maintain progress and reduce future injuries.

Spring is coming soon, so when you start your spring training don’t forget to keep Lyn Lake Chiropractic the Official Chiropractor Of The Twin Cities Marathon on your speed dial.  Call if you have any questions or need some quick TLC to keep you running.

chiropractic minneapols 55408

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Best Clinic Experience Ever! - Lyn Lake Chiropract

October 24, 2011

Best Clinic Experience Ever! - Lyn Lake Chiropractic Minneapolis, 55408

I have been interning at Lyn Lake Chiropractic since April of 2008. It has been the best experience I could have every asked for. I love the atmosphere, but most of all the people including the staff and all the patients. I know this internship will influence how I practice in the future. Dr. Kevin is not only my interning doc and colleague, but a great friend. Since April, I have see thousands of people come through the doors at Lyn Lake and they all have huge smiles and their attitudes brighten when they get to the clinic. I know I can expect that this energy continues well after I leave the clinic and start on my own clinical endeavors. I just want to give a huge thanks to Dr. Kevin and the rest of the Quick read more or view full article Lyn Lake Team. You have become my second family!

January 31,  by Cody in Minneapolis, MN

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Helping our community - Caring Bags.

Due to the weather changing and it's getting colder outside, we know there's a surplus of people living on the streets and with the encampments we want to help these people by giving.
 Lyn Lake Chiropractic  will be putting together something we call - Caring Bags.

These Caring Bags will allow us to go around the Minneapolis area and hand out to people that need a little hope and help. We're putting many different items in these bags to hand out. Some of the many items will be - hand warmers, tooth paste, tooth brush, warm hats and gloves, snacks, little water bottles and a gift card so they can get something warm to eat and maybe give them a chance to warm up.

If you want to donate something to put in these Caring Bags, just drop it off at either Lyn Quick read more or view full article
Lake Chiropractic Uptown or Lyn Lake Chiropractic Northeast. We just ordered 300 draw string back packs and once they get here (within two weeks), the chiropractors and staff at Lyn Lake Chiropractic will stuff the bags and hit the streets.  If this is a sucess we would like to do more of these Caring Bags all winter.

Just trying to give back and help our community!

If you have any questions please feel free to call our Minneapolis Chiropractic Clinic -
Lyn Lake Chiropractic 612-879-8000
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Did you know we now have five Lyn Lake Chiropractic locations? If you're on the North side of Minneapolis, look us up! Or in the St Paul area, check us out!