Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog

Best Chiropractor 2016 Minnesota Monthly

May 31, 2016

Best Chiropractor 2016 Minnesota Monthly

Lyn Lake Chiropractic 

There’s an electrifying energy at Lyn Lake Chiropractic. When you open the door to the hip, loft-like clinic, you’re greeted by friendly smiles, rockin’ tunes piping in from ceiling speakers, and staff of some of the most dedicated chiropractors and massage therapists in the metro area. The atmosphere is upbeat, fast-paced, and family-friendly. It quickly becomes obvious that the Lyn Lake Chiropractic staff loves what they do.

Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Dr. Ryan Jones, and four massage therapists treat car accident patients, prenatal, children, anyone with back pain, and those suffering from running injuries and athletic injuries. As the Official Chiropractors of The Twin Cities Marathon, the doctors—both avid marathoner—have a wealth of knowledge and deep understanding of running injuries. 

At Lyn Lake Chiropractic, every patient gets a great deal of muscle work done, including massage and muscle stretching prior to adjustments. Quick read more or view full article High-tech rehab equipment is also used to speed up the healing of injured muscles.

Schedule an appointment with the 24-hour answering service (so convenient!) or online. Same-day appointments are often available with these Minneapolis Chiropractors.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic • 2937 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls., MN • 612-879-8000

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Exercise Safely Outdoors In the Winter

December 20, 2015

How to Exercise Safely Outdoors In the Winter

Here in our Minneapolis chiropractic office, we see a number of patients with sports-related injuries. While some are due to overuse or pushing too hard, others are a result of the weather. Specifically, winter offers some challenges that you don’t see other times of the year—especially in Minnesota.

Because we get our fair share of cold temperatures, snow, and ice, it’s important to take precautions if you like to exercise outside in the winter months. Here are a few to consider:

  • Warm up properly before. Warming up your muscles is advised any time of year, but it is even more critical when it is colder outside. This means taking 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of your workout and engaging in a light-intensity cardiovascular activity such as walking or riding a stationary bike.
  • Stretch your muscles after. Stretching after you work Quick read more or view full article out outdoors helps keep them from tensing up, which means less pain and soreness in the next few days. Massage can help with soreness as well, so this is something to consider if you are engaging in a high-intensity or long-distance training or event held outdoors that will likely leave you fatigued.
  • Stay hydrated. Although you might not get as thirsty exercising outdoors in the winter as you do in the summer, you’re still losing water through sweat, so it’s important to stay hydrated. For this reason, be sure to take a water bottle with you so you can sip on it as you go.
  • Dress appropriately. Ideally, you want to wear clothes that wick the moisture away from your skin because, as we just discussed, you’re likely going to be sweating despite the colder temps. Also, it’s a good idea to dress in layers so you can keep your body at a healthy temperature throughout your entire workout, from beginning to end.
  • Mind your step. Because snow and ice can be prevalent in this area, you always want to be mindful of where you’re stepping to avoid a slip and fall. Although this is basic common sense, we still wanted to mention it because it is important to consider.

Do these five things and make your winter workouts safer. Also, don’t forget to come into our Minneapolis chiropractic office for your regular visits so we can help keep your spine healthy enough to sustain your active life…even in these colder months!

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Minneapolis Chiropractor - 612-879-8000

Dr. Kevin Schreifels

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Posted by Dr. Kevin Schreifels

Sinus Problems Chiropractic Can Help

December 18, 2015

Sinus Problems Got You Down? Chiropractic Can Help


This time of year, it isn’t uncommon to see many of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients struggling with sinus issues. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that almost 30 million adults are diagnosed with sinusitis on an annual basis, prompting over 11 million office visits. So this is a rather common problem in other regions as well. Admittedly, sometimes the issues can only be resolved by seeing a Quick read more or view full article medical doctor and being prescribed medication, but chiropractic can usually also help as well. 

The reason chiropractic is beneficial when it comes to your sinuses is that vertebral alignment is necessary in order for your sinuses to drain properly. Specifically, if the fluids don’t flow as they should due to issues within your spinal column, it increases the likelihood of swelling in that region and this is when problems begin as the drainage begins to accumulate, sometimes becoming infected as a result

Research has proven the benefits of chiropractic care when it comes to effectively dealing with recurrent sinus problems. For instance, there was one case study which involved a 12-year-old boy who was dealing with sinus infections every couple of months. Even though he was taking antibiotics to help control them, they kept reappearing over and over again—that is, until he started chiropractic care. 

After just two sessions with a chiropractor, he was finally able to quit taking his antibiotic as the infection was no longer present. Additionally, once he had completed three weeks of chiropractic care, researchers noted that he had better movement in his neck and upper-middle spine, allowing him to carry his head in a more upright, thus healthier position. 

Based on the amount of progress he made in a relatively short period of time, researchers concluded that "both patient and parents are aware of the quality of life that is returning as an apparent result of chiropractic care.” In other words, chiropractic can help not only relieve the bothersome symptoms of sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, headache, and fatigue), but it can essentially give you your life back by dealing with these issues once and for all.

If you struggle with sinus issues and live in the Minneapolis area try our Minneapolis Chiropractor  Dr. Kevin Schreifels at  Lyn Lake Chiropractic at (612) 879-8000 and schedule an appointment with us today!

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Posted by Dr. Kevin Schreifels

Minneapolis Chiropractic Reviews

April 8, 2015
We get so many fun reviews from our patients I thought I would share.  I found these on Google, Yelp, Yahoo and Bing.  Thanks to everyone who took the time to write something positive about Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

Stuart T.  Google
I went to Lyn Lake Chiropractic after I moved to the Cities from Quick read more or view full article out of state. I have a long-standing back issue that goes back years. The staff is exceptional, friendly, and professional. I haven't had such a wonderful experience in a chiropractic office before. Dr. Steve got me feeling good and I actually can go about two months before my back was feeling rough again. With my old chiropractor, my back was feeling rough within a month, sometimes every two weeks. So it's a much better experience at Lyn Lake Chiropractic. I'd recommend them to anyone.

Meredith L. Google
I have gone to chiropractice clinics since a childhood car accident, and this is the best clinic I've attended. They are flexible with scheduling, and their care is top notch. The staff is so professional and kind. Cannot recommend this clinic highly enough.

bikic  - Google
Dr. Kevin Schreifels and his staff actually care. They are professional but friendly and will always welcome you with a smile. I have been referred to them after my car accident almost two months ago and they took really good care of me. They are irreplaceable! Strongly recommend it!

Thank goodness for Ryan. I slept through the entire night last night for the first time in a week and a half! He is just the best. 

I grew up kind of against chiropractors as my mom thought they were "hacks" so I never went until my mid-20s when I started working out a lot and spending a LOT of time in my car as an outside sales rep. I searched on Yelp and found Lyn Lake Chiropractic. I was hooked from my first experience.

Their care model is one I fully support and love that they don't just rush through everything to get you out the door quickly. You get e-stim, a massage, and then a full adjustment plus Graston/ultrasound/additional therapies if necessary. Ryan specifically has been amazing to work with and every single time I see him I walk out feeling 5x better than when I arrived.

I definitely recommend these guys, espeically for athletes that do work on their bodies. If you are on the fence about trying chiropractic work definitely come to Ryan and he will get you hooked :)

Dr. Kevin is one awesome dude. My first visit was a walk in and he adjusted 45 minutes after he closed. Very professional, very knowledgable, definitely knows his stuff. He snapped my body around and made me feel awesome. He's very approachable, and easy to talk to . I will definitely be back there!

Lyn Lake Chiropractic wants to say Thanks to our amazing patients. Minneapolis, MN 55408
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Dr Kevin Schreifels is part of the first group of Advocates.

June 17, 2014
We are proud to announce that Dr. Kevin Schreifels Chiropractor at Lyn Lake Chiropractic has been chosen to serve as a Social Advocate for the American Red Cross! This is a new initiative with the Red Cross and Dr Kevin Schreifels is part of the first group of Advocates

Dr Kevin Schreifels a Minneapolis Chiropractor at  Lyn Quick read more or view full article Lake Chiropractic will be promoting and talking about all the great things the #RedCrossdoes for our community and will attend the American Red Cross Northern Minnesota Region #HeroBreakfast  to share the amazing stories of local #Minnesota Heroes!

Follow the hashtag #MNHeroes14 to learn more on all social channels!

Minneapolis Chiropractic Clinic, 55408

More Info: 


Dr. Kevin Schreifels is the Owner of Lyn Lake Chiropractic, the Official Chiropractor for the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon, Clinical Faculty of Northwestern Health Science University, Guest Lecturer at the University of Minnesota on running injuries and prevention, and Blogger on health issues and prevention.

Kevin has run more than 10 marathons, 10K’s and triathalons, and has raced with the Kenwood Cycling Team. His first date with his wife was a run around Lake Harriet. He’s a father of 3 beautiful girls and everyone that knows his family knows that on any given day or weekend they are all either running around the lakes, biking or skiing. Kevin spends a great deal of volunteering at local schools, running clubs and businesses educating people about health and awareness.

Follow Kevin on Twitter: @lynlakechiros

Like Kevin on Facebook:

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Try LynLake Chiropractic!!!

October 23, 2011

Try LynLake Chiropractic!!!

by PeaceLily03 at Citysearch      10/21/2011

I highly recommend Lyn Lake Chiropractic. I got into an automobile accident in late August. The aftermath of the accident left me with neck pain, lower back pain, and knee pain -  injuries. I have been receiving phenomenal care from the Team at Lyn Lake Chiropractic. They are highly skilled, knowledgeable about the latest in treatment options, and genuinely care about each individuals recovery. It is an upbeat environment. From the moment I called to book an appointment I was impressed with the sincere and friendly service on the other end of the line. Also, after my initial visit I received a hand written thank you card, which really impressed me. Lyn Lake Chiropractic goes the extra mile to making you feel special! Dr. Kevin Schreifels is very personable and has a lot of energy himself. Like I said, it's positive Quick read more or view full article environment, with a lot of positive energy flowing...and that goes to say for the positive healing, too! Try Lyn Lake Chiropractic and I guarantee you will notice the difference!


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Cervical and Lumbar Disc Herniations and Chiroprac

August 26, 2011

Cervical and Lumbar Disc Herniations and Chiropractic Care

80% of the chiropractic patients studied had good clinical outcomes


William J. Owens DC, DAAMLP

The term "herniated disc," refers to localized displacement of nucleus, cartilage, fragmented apophyseal bone, or fragmented annular tissue beyond the intervertebral disc space.[1]Simply stated, the annulus, or outer part of the disc has been torn completely through the wall allowing the inner portion, or the nucleus pulposis material to escape the inner confines in a “focal” or finite direction. Unlike a bulging disc, which an entirely different physiological process and diagnosis, caused by degeneration, a herniated disc is traumatically induced phenomena.
The highest prevalence of herniated lumbar discs is among people aged 30–50 years, with a male to female ratio of Quick read more or view full article 2:1. In people aged 25–55 years, about 95% of herniated discs occur at the lower lumbar spine (L4/5 and L5/S1 level); disc herniation above this level is more common in people aged over 55 years.[2]

Symptoms of a Cervical Herniated Disc

A cervical (neck pain) herniated disc will typically cause pain patterns and neurological deficits as follows:[3]

  • C4 - C5(C5 nerve root) - Can cause weakness in the deltoid muscle in the upper arm. Does not usually cause numbness or tingling. Can cause shoulder pain.
  • C5 - C6(C6 nerve root) - Can cause weakness in the biceps (muscles in the front of the upper arms) and wrist extensor muscles. Numbness and tingling along with pain can radiate to the thumb side of the hand. This is one of the most common levels for a cervical disc herniation to occur.
  • C6 - C7(C7 nerve root) - Can cause weakness in the triceps (muscles in the back of the upper arm and extending to the forearm) and the finger extensor muscles. Numbness and tingling along with pain can radiate down the triceps and into the middle finger. This is also one of the most common levels for a cervical disc herniation.
  • C7 - T1(C8 nerve root) - Can cause weakness with handgrip. Numbness and tingling and pain can radiate down the arm to the little finger side of hand.
Symptoms of a Lumbar Herniated Disc

The most common symptom of a lumbar disc herniation is pain. The pain is usually described as being located in the buttock with radiation down the back of the thigh and sometimes to the outside of the calf. The specific location may vary and depends on which disc is affected (and thus which nerve root is affected). The pain (and other symptoms and signs) come from pressure on the nerve root. The pain frequently starts as simple back pain and progresses to pain in the leg. When the pain moves to the leg, it is not unusual for the back pain to become less severe. Straining such as bowel movement, coughing or sneezing are all things that tend to cause the leg pain to worsen. Very large disc herniations may cause something known as the "cauda equina syndrome". This is a rare syndrome caused by a very large disc herniation putting pressure on many nerve roots. Signs and symptoms include urinary problems (either retention or incontinence), loss of leg or foot strength, "saddle" anesthesia (loss of sensation in the area of the body that would be in contact with a saddle), decreased rectal sphincter tone and variable amounts of pain (ranging from minimal to severe).[4]

A research paper published in a Peer Reviewed Medically Indexed Journal (scientific journal,) was conducted to evaluate how patients with disc herniations responded to chiropractic care.  The authors stated “all patients were evaluated before commencement of chiropractic care by MRI scans for presence of disc herniations. Pre-care evaluations also included clinical examination and visual analog scores [asking them to rate their pain by using a number from 0 to 10]. Patients were then treated with a course of care that included traction, flexion distraction [a specific Chiropractic technique], spinal manipulative therapy, physiotherapy and rehabilitative exercises. All patients were re-evaluated by post-care follow-up MRI scans, clinical examination and visual analog scores. Percentage of disc shrinkage on repeat MRI, resolution of clinical examination findings, reduced visual analog pain scores and whether the patient returned to work were all recorded.   This is an important study because it shows MRI scans pre-care and post-care. 

The paper goes on to report “Clinically, 80% of the patients studied had a good clinical outcome with post-care visual analog scores accompanied with resolution of abnormal clinical examination findings. Anatomically, after repeat MRI scans, 63% of the patients studied revealed a reduced size or completely resorbed disc herniation (completely resolved.)  One significant finding was “seventy-eight percent of the patients were able to return to work in their pre-disability occupations.”[5]
This study shows that Chiropractic care can be a very important part of treatment in patients, when clinically indicated with disc herniations.  Injuries such as disc herniations can have a negative impact on the ability to work and complete personal tasks.  Evaluating treatment options is paramount when deciding how best to fix the problem especially the non-surgical approach that Chiropractic offers to patients.  If you have an injury to your spine, the first step is making sure that you are diagnosed effectively and efficiently, and then engage in treatment as quickly as possible.   Although Chiropractic is effective in treating conditions in the early and late phases it has been shown to be most effective when started immediately.[6] 

This study, along with many others concludes that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions to herniated discs. To find a qualified doctor of chiropractic near you, call Lyn Lake Chiropractic and speak to Dr Kevin Schreifels at 612-879-8000.  

[5]Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical follow-up: study of 27 patients receiving chiropractic care for cervical and lumbar disc herniations. J MANIPULATIVE PHYSIOL THER, 1996 Nov-Dec; 19(9): 597-606
[6]Donald Aspegren, DC, MS, Brian A. Enebo, DC, PhD, Matt Miller, MD,  Linda White, MD, Venu Akuthota, MD, Thomas E. Hyde, DC, and James M. Cox, DC. FUNCTIONAL SCORES AND SUBJECTIVE RESPONSES OF INJURED WORKERS WITH BACK OR NECK PAINTREATED WITH CHIROPRACTIC CARE IN AN INTEGRATIVE PROGRAM: A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF 100 CASES.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32:765-771. Read Less

Snow Shoveling Is Leading Cause Of Back pain

December 20, 2010
Snow Shoveling Is Leading Cause Of Their Winter Back Pain

A majority of physicians say that back pain is a year-round phenomenon. However, nearly half (45 percent) of primary care physicians, who report seeing more back pain sufferers during winter than any other time of the year, say patients cite snow shoveling as the primary cause of their winter back woes.

One quarter (27 percent) of primary care physicians note that patients frequently point to lifting, bending/leaning or twisting - activities generally associated with snow shoveling - as the causes of their back pain or muscle spasm.

Shoveling snow need not result in back pain and sore muscles, according to Lyn Lake Chiropractic Minneapolis Chiropractors.

Many people will likely be out shoveling in the next few days, if the forecast for heavy snow today and Saturday is correct. Even people with snow blowers might need to shovel some areas if more than Quick read more or view full article a foot of snowfalls.

"The first thing is to get the right shovel," said Dr. Kevin Schreifels, a chiropractor with Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic. Most hardware stores and home improvement stores sell ergonomically correct snow shovels.

"The equipment that you use is just as important as your body," he said. The old metal shovels are stiff, heavy and uncomfortable.

He recommended that the shovel have a handle that can extend to different lengths, to accommodate people of different sizes. Most new shovels are made of lightweight plastic that curves to hold the snow.

For the actual shoveling, Lyn Lake Chiropractic recommends pacing. "Take frequent breaks, and drink plenty of water to hydrate."

Eating and smoking before shoveling is not wise. Caffeine or other stimulants can also endanger the heart, when combined with strenuous shoveling. Lyn Lake Chiropractic suggests waiting until after you shovel to drink any caffeinated beverage.

They recommend holding the shovel in both hands with some distance between the hands to get leverage. When shoveling, maintain a good posture, allowing for the natural curve of the spine. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.

"Shovel close to the body, bend at the knees and lift with your legs," Schreifels said. He also recommended tightening the abdominal muscles to engage the body's strong core, which will keep the weight of the snow off the weaker back muscles.

"Dump the snow in front of you," he said. "Don't twist. Move your feet if you have to move the snow to the side. Scoop small amounts."

Keep up with the snow, he said. Don't wait until the snowfall has ended to start shoveling. "It's better to get out there as it comes," he said. Fresh snow is lighter.

Even people with snow blowers can be injured. "They push it too hard," he said. "They try to push it to go faster." They end up with acute low back pain.

After a big snowfall, he said, patients often come into their office with back and shoulder injuries.

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, “If you must lift the snow, lift it properly. Squat with your legs apart, knees bent and back straight. Lift with your legs. Do not bend at the waist. Scoop small amounts of snow into the shovel and walk to where you want to dump it. Holding a shovelful of snow with your arms outstretched puts too much weight on your spine. Never remove deep snow all at once; do it piecemeal. Shovel and inch or two; then take another inch off. Rest and repeat if necessary.”

Lyn Lake Chiropractic wants you to be safe this winter and take your time shoveling since Minneapolis has been getting a great deal of snow so far this year. The last 17 inch snow fall Lyn Lake Chiropractic seen many lower back pain injuries from snow removal and would just like to remind you to take your time. If you have any chest pain, please stop immediately and call 911, better safe than sorry!

If you want to learn more healthy living tips, you can visit the Lyn Lake Chiropractic Website at

Comment: James W. - December 11th, 2010

Great information! My dad injured his lower back shoveling snow about 15 years ago. He tried pain pills for a month (marginal improvement) before going to see the Chiropractor. After just a few adjustments, his low back pain went away completely! He now uses Chiropractic on a regular basis to prevent future injuries! Read Less

LinkedIn Recommendations Chiropractic

September 20, 2010
LinkedIn Recommendations

John Moore has endorsed your work as Owner at Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

Dear Dr. Kevin,
I've written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.

Details of the Recommendation: "Dr. Kevin has fostered an energetic, caring practice. I have always enjoyed working with Dr. Kevin because he thinks about what will be best for his patients first and formost when making a business decision. The doctors that have trained in his practice have all gone on to have successful practices themselves, which is a real testiment to Dr. Kevin. I highly recommend him for health care, conducting business, or just being a good friend."

LinkedIn Recommendations

September 20, 2010
LinkedIn Recommendations

John Moore has endorsed your work as Owner at Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

Dear Dr. Kevin,
I've written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.

Details of the Recommendation: "Dr. Kevin has fostered an energetic, caring practice. I have always enjoyed working with Dr. Kevin because he thinks about what will be best for his patients first and formost when making a business decision. The doctors that have trained in his practice have all gone on to have successful practices themselves, which is a real testiment to Dr. Kevin. I highly recommend him for health care, conducting business, or just being a good friend."

LinkedIn Recommendations

September 20, 2010
LinkedIn Recommendations

John Moore has endorsed your work as Owner at Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

Dear Dr. Kevin,
I've written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.

Details of the Recommendation: "Dr. Kevin has fostered an energetic, caring practice. I have always enjoyed working with Dr. Kevin because he thinks about what will be best for his patients first and formost when making a business decision. The doctors that have trained in his practice have all gone on to have successful practices themselves, which is a real testiment to Dr. Kevin. I highly recommend him for health care, conducting business, or just being a good friend."

Press Releases for February 4, 2010 Lyn Lake Chir

February 4, 2010
All Press Releases for February 4, 2010 Subscribe to this News Feed

Chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic Provide Minneapolis, MN, Resource As Official ASK THE EXPERTS Sponsor

Lyn Lake Chiropractic, located in Minneapolis, MN, has become an official sponsor of’s ASK THE EXPERTS Online consumer resource. Their chiropractors now provide information and answer questions about common chiropractic topics ranging from back and neck pain to massage therapy and sports injuries for residents of Hennepin and Ramsey Counties.

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) February 4, 2010 -- Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has become an official sponsor of 's ASK THE EXPERTS, providing people in the Minneapolis, MN, and surrounding twin cities metro area with valuable information on common chiropractic topics and questions.

We are proud to be able to partner with such a respected media outlet as Fox to provide people in the Minneapolis area with the information they need Quick read more or view full article to make informed decisions regarding their health and wellness ASK THE EXPERT was developed in 1995 to provide consumers with access to information in the areas of health, legal, financial, and home improvement. Currently, more than 50 media outlets across the country bring consumers this relevant information on over 100 topics. ASK THE EXPERTS is a community resource that is free to consumers thanks to local sponsorship from businesses such as Lyn Lake Chiropractic.
“We are proud to be able to partner with such a respected media outlet as Fox to provide people in the Minneapolis area with the information they need to make informed decisions regarding their health and wellness,” says Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Doctor of Chiropractic and owner of Lyn Lake Chiropractic. “We know that many people in the community trust ASK THE EXPERTS to answer questions they have about important life topics and feel that our years of experience allow us to offer valuable chiropractic insights.”

Lyn Lake chiropractic currently provides information on general chiropractic care, back pain, neck pain, auto accident injuries, headaches, sports injuries, pain management and massage therapy for Hennepin County and Ramsey County. Consumers can also submit questions to Lyn Lake’s team of chiropractors directly via ASK THE EXPERTS’ online e-mail form.

“Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic emphasizes improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness,” says Schreifels. “We hope that the information we provide through ASK THE EXPERTS helps people find pain relief and tips for avoiding injuries in the first place.”

Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has a talented team of experienced chiropractors, massage therapists and personal trainers. They also offer a breadth of other services such as chiropractic for children and the elderly, chiropractic for pregnant women, treatments for headaches, running injuries, sports injuries, and other special add-on services such as nutritional counseling, lifestyle advice, and massage therapy.

To schedule your free consultation call the clinic’s 24-hour answering service at (612) 879-8000 or visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 2937 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis MN. The clinic also accepts walk-ins and “just driving by” appointments.

For more information about Lyn Lake Chiropractic visit Read Less

Press Releases for December 3, 2009

December 3, 2009
Press Releases for December 3, 2009

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic Honored as 2009 Minneapolis, MN Talk of the Town Award Recipient
Lyn Lake Chiropractic, located in Minneapolis, MN, is awarded with the 2009 Talk of the Town Plaque of Honor for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction.

The Talk of the Town Awards are the only independent award that honors the best in business based on popular user reviews found on today's most active user review websites.

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) December 3, 2009 -- Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has been honored by Celebration Media U.S. as one of its 2009 Talk of the Town Award Recipients in the category of top Minneapolis, Minnesota chiropractors.

2009 Minneapolis Chiropractic Talk of the Town Award:

The Talk of the Town Awards recognize a host of businesses and professionals who have been noted by their customers through multiple websites for their excellent service and care. Research is collected and based Quick read more or view full article on high rankings from user review websites including,,,,, and

We pride ourselves on offering the best quality chiropractic care possible. For the Minneapolis community to rate us so highly tells us we are living up to the superior standards we strive to achieve.
Achieving five star ratings across numerous sites, the chiropractors, massage therapists and personal trainers at Lyn Lake Chiropractic have a strong record of customer satisfaction. The clinic is also recognized as the Official Chiropractor of the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon and accredited by the Better Business Bureau.

“We are honored to receive the 2009 Talk of the Town Plaque of Honor for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction,” says Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Doctor of Chiropractic and owner of Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

“We pride ourselves on offering the best quality chiropractic care possible. For the Minneapolis community to rate us so highly tells us we are living up to the superior standards we strive to achieve.”

Lyn Lake Chiropractic also offers other services, such as chiropractic for children and the elderly, chiropractic for pregnant women, treatments for headaches, running injuries, sports injuries, and other special add-on services such as nutritional counseling, lifestyle advice, and massage therapy.

To schedule your free consultation call the clinic’s 24-hour answering service at (612) 879-8000 or visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 2937 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis MN.

The clinic also accepts walk-ins and “just driving by” appointments.??For more information about Lyn Lake Chiropractic visit Read Less

Children Chiropractic - Lyn Lake Chiropractic

November 4, 2009
Children Chiropractic Care

At Lyn Lake Chiropractic, we recognize that children often have a need for children chiropractic care. While resilient and quick to heal, children are subjected to numerous factors that can result in injury and illness. The very events of birth and infancy can represent most of our earliest trauma to the spine and nervous system. Toddlers, faced with the challenges of learning to crawl and walk are constantly straining and falling. Preschool and elementary aged children play relentlessly hard and do not always exercise the best judgment concerning risk. Older children often develop poor posture, engage in physically demanding sports and are faced with ever increasing workloads at school. Late teens and graduates are often starting their first jobs and are not work hardened to all the physical and mentally fatiguing demands of the work force.

In our Chiropractic Clinic, we treat children and family members of all ages. Quick read more or view full article As parents ourselves, we want the best for your children as for our own. We believe childhood should be free of pain, discomfort and distress as possible. Chiropractic care offers conservative treatment for a host of problems for even the youngest of children. Chiropractic care in our office begins with a complete history and physical examination irregardless of the age of the patient. For those children still too young to communicate their distress, Our Chiropractors will thoroughly explore the history of the child's condition with you as the parent. Only after a careful examination, a detailed explanation of your child's condition and having obtained your consent as a parent will age appropriate treatment begin children's chiropractic care.

Dr Jill Field and Dr Kevin Schreifels have adjusted many children at all ages. Question I would ask, if the chiropractor that is about to adjust your children? Do they have children of their own? Being a father of 3 children, and many nephews and nieces our chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic have the knowledge and personal experience. Read Less

Minneapolis Chiropractor- Pain Relief for whiplash

October 27, 2009
Minneapolis Chiropractor Provides Pain Relief for Whiplash & Other; Car Accident Injuries

WEBWIRE – Monday, October 26, 2009

Citizens of Minnesota no longer have to live with the pain of whiplash symptoms. Lyn Lake Chiropractic, a state-of-the-art Minneapolis Chiropractic clinic, has over the years developed highly-specialized knowledge and experience in healing patients of whiplash.

With a staff of professional and experienced Minneapolis chiropractors led by Dr. Kevin Schreifels and Dr. Jill Field, Lyn Lake Chiropractic operates on the notion that life is motion and that you cannot let things like whiplash injuries hinder you from going ahead and doing what you love.

Whiplash injuries, which are commonly caused by car accidents, are different from other types of injuries. Whiplash symptoms usually take some time before they begin to manifest themselves and when they do appear they usually take the form of neck pain, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, headaches, upper back and shoulder pain, lower back Quick read more or view full article pain, and fatigue.

Chiropractic is known to be a very effective long-term treatment for this unique type of injury. The chiropractors at Lyn Lake use a special combination of manual spinal manipulation, massage therapy, trigger point therapy, exercise rehabilitation, and other soft tissue rehabilitation modalities to restore the patient's health and mobility.

Ben, a Certified Personal Trainer, relates his experience for whiplash treatment at Lyn Lake: "They gave me the full treatment at Lyn Lake Chiropractic for my whiplash auto injury. They gave me adjustments, massage, ultrasound, laser treatment, traction, and a great rehab program which helped my body finally returned to me as it was before my car accident."

Ben was not only happy with the high quality of chiropractic treatment he received from Lyn Lake, he was also thankful for the way the clinic's staff treated him personally, saying, "The amount of energy the staff, Dr Kevin Schreifels, and Dr Jill Field gave me was outstanding. The loft-like clinic is great and had a caring atmosphere. They made me feel like a family member, they cared about how I was doing and if I was getting better."

Lyn Lake also offers other services, such as chiropractic for children and the elderly, chiropractic for pregnant women, treatments for headaches, running injuries, sports injuries, and other special add-on services such as nutritional counseling, lifestyle advice, and massage therapy.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and the Official Chiropractors of the Twin Cities Marathon.

To schedule a free consultation, call the clinic's 24-hour answering service at (612)879-8000 or visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 2937 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis MN. The clinic also accepts walk-ins and "just driving by" appointments.

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Having these amazing CCEP Chiropractors,

Dr. Kevin Schreifels started Lyn Lake Chiropractic in 2000 located in Uptown Minneapolis just a few blocks from the four inner city lakes we have in the Minneapolis, which is a Mecca for runners. Anyone that is a runner, or training for a marathon, 1/2 marathon or one of the many 5k or 10k races that Minneapolis offers have ran around these lakes.

 Dr. Kevin Schreifels has finished 12 marathons, at least 10 1/2 marathons and many shorter races.  With his personal experience with Minneapolis running injuries and treating himself he felt with the growing city of athletes it was very important to add two more amazing chiropractors to help with healing our athlete’s.  Lyn Lake Chiropractic is the Official Sponsor of the Twin Cities Marathon for more than 18 years, meaning in 18 years with TCM we have seen and treated many runners.

Quick read more or view full article /> Dr. Ryan Jones and Dr. Travis Shermer are both Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner. 

Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner aka: CCEP -  Dr. Ryan Jones and Dr. Travis Shermer attended postgraduate education in understanding extremities and to better diagnosis and provide better treatment involving each joint. This postgraduate program is very intense with 105 hours , 7 weekend seminars with 7 written tests and then a final practical exam to be certified as a Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner, CCEP.

Many patients that first seek out chiropractic care are looking for help with spine issues, neck pain, upper back pain and lower back pain.  But, once they walk into Lyn Lake Chiropractic and the chiropractors not only surprise our patients with the amazing care we can offer in helping with spine issues, but when they realize we also specialize and are highly trained in helping not only spine issues but extremities issue, these patients feel like they won the lottery.   We usually hear, this is amazing I didn't know chiropractors work on extremities. 

With the combined 20 years in practice and having these amazing CCEP Chiropractors, Lyn Lake Chiropractic know they have the tools to help anyone that walks or limps into our clinic.  We can help with neck pain, back pain, headaches, knee pain, foot pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, TMJ pain and more.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic chiropractors offer Active Release Techniques (ART), Graston Technique, Kinesio Taping - RockTape, dry needling, and other advanced rehabilitation offer better care to our patients. 

We just want to say thank you to Dr. Ryan Jones and Dr. Travis Shermer for all the extra-long hours they have done to better themselves and Lyn Lake Chiropractic in turn helping every patient that comes in our clinics. 

If you are looking for a chiropractic clinic that can help keep you healthy, or help get you back to being healthy give us a call.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Uptown Minneapolis       Call:  612-879-8000
Lyn Lake Chiropractic Northeast Minneapolis   Call:  612-378-1050
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Did you know we now have five Lyn Lake Chiropractic locations? If you're on the North side of Minneapolis, look us up! Or in the St Paul area, check us out!