Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog


September 30, 2012
CAR ACCIDENTS: Ouch! We encounter car accidents every day. As we drive to and from work, run errands and cart the kids around to their activities, we daily contend with poor road conditions and drivers that are distracted or impaired in som
e way. While we do our best to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe on the road, sometimes our efforts are not enough.

When you are involved in an accident as the result of another driver's negligence, you may be entitled to take legal action to recover your damages.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic specializes in treating whiplash injuries, auto accident injuries and bicycle accident injuries. Whiplash injuries are very common in car accidents. Whiplash injuries occur, in part, due to the fact that the muscles do not have enough time to brace themselves.

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care utilizes manual manipulation of the Quick read more or view full article spine to restore the normal movement and position of the spinal vertebrae. It is by far, the single-most effective treatment for minimizing the long-term impact of whiplash injuries, especially when coupled with massage therapy, trigger point therapy, exercise rehabilitation and other soft tissue rehabilitation modalities at Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

Whiplash injury occurs when the body reacts to a deceleration or acceleration force by hyperflexion or hyperextension of the neck. Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic specializes in treating whiplash injuries, auto accident injuries and bicycle accident injuries. Whiplash injuries are very common in car accidents. Whiplash injuries occur, in part, due to the fact that the muscles do not have enough time to brace themselves.

If you have been involved in a car accident, whiplash injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of a whiplash injury can take weeks or even months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as seriously injured as you really are. Symptoms from a car accident and whiplash can include anything from radiating pain into the shoulder, elbow pain, wrist pain or hand pain, lower back pain, headaches, jaw pain and more.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic treats victims of auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, and is featured in Your Legal Guide.

Injuries from Whiplash Trauma
Whiplash injuries can manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways, including neck pain, headaches, fatigue, upper back and shoulder pain, and low back pain. Due to the fact that numerous factors play into the overall whiplash trauma, such as direction of impact, speed of the vehicles involved, as well as sex, age and physical condition, whiplash symptoms commonly have a delayed onset, often taking weeks or months to become evident.
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