Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog
Low back pain from extra body weight
If you have health reasons to lose weight, add regular chiropractic care to your other health practices.Chiropractic places and emphasis on nutritional and exercise programs, wellness and lifestyle modifications Quick read more or view full article for promoting physical and mental health. Come to Lyn Lake Chiropractic and Call us at 612-879-8000. The answers you need. The care you deserve.
P.S. A bulging/herniated disc may impinge on an adjacent nerve root, resulting in pain, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, and/or organ dysfunction in any part of the body served by the nerve in question. Read Less
Lower back pain and sitting.
A new study reveals that sitting in a chair can actually increase a person's risk of dying. While previous studies have linked sedentary behavior with chronic diseases such as heat disease, breast and colon cancers, diabetes, osteoporosis, and anxiety/depression, researchers from the American Cancer society recently focused on the activity of sitting. They found that, over a 14-year period, women who sat six (or more) hours per day had a 37% increased risk of dying compared with women who sat three hours or less. One explanation is that prolonged sitting relaxes the largest muscles, and muscle contraction is needed to increase glucose uptake and stimulate the release of an enzyme (lipoprotein lipase) that metabolizes triglycerides and manufactures HDL (good cholesterol.)
If you have any questions, please call us anytime- Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 612-879-8000
Read Lesscarpal tunnel syndrome
Chiropractic can be of enormous benefit in treating carpal tunnel syndrome and similar wrist pain and hand pain.
Please call Lyn Lake Chiropractic (612) 879-8000. We are dedicated to helping you achieve the optimal, most positive results from your treatment. Come to our Quick read more or view full article _fcksavedurl="" href="">Minneapolis chiropractic clinic and get the answers you need. The care you deserve.
P.S. "referred pain" is pain experienced at a location in the body that is different form the site of the painful stimulus. Read Less
Shoulder pain
Chiropractors have helped many people experiencing the immobility and pain from a "frozen shoulder." visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic 2937 Lyndale Ave South, Minneapolis, Mn 55408 and discuss your treatment options. Call 612-879-8000 Quick read more or view full article for an appointment. Most insurance accepted. We offer custom rehabilitative exercise combined with gentle chiropractic adjustments. The answers you need. The care you deserve.
P.S. "Active release" muscle therapy's aim is to reduce the scar-tissue "stickiness" associated with "frozen shoulder" by "breaking up" scar tissue with precisely applied tension in combination with specific patient movements. Read Less
Low Back Pain is Not Limited to Adults
It is often pointed out that up to 80% of adults experience back pain during the course of their lives. While this statistic may cause many to think that the problem is largely age-related, the fact is that children suffer from low back pain as well. According to epidemiological studies, about one-third of children and adolescents experience low back pain at some point in their young lives. However, a recent study involving nearly 3,000 patients reveals that, in the case of three-quarters of adolescents with mechanical low back pain, the source is non-specific and self-resolving. This finding argues for a minimalist approach, which chiropractic care can provide. Even in 7% of cases involving spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis), the conservative approach is preferred.
Come experience precise, safe, gentle, and effective relief form the pain and discomfort of lower back. Call our Lyn Lake Chiropractic,
612-879-8000. Most insurance accepted. Our mission
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is to improve the quality of you an your family's health an well-being. The answers you need. The care you deserve.
P.S. When back pain experienced by children is sports-related, the chiropractor can check the youngster's bio-mechanics in hopes of isolating the cause and determining effective treatment.
Lower back pain and sitting.
A new study reveals that sitting in a chair can actually increase a person's risk of dying. While previous studies have linked sedentary behavior with chronic diseases such as heat disease, breast and colon cancers, diabetes, osteoporosis, and anxiety/depression, researchers from the American Cancer society recently focused on the activity of sitting. They found that, over a 14-year period, women who sat six (or more) hours per day had a 37% increased risk of dying compared with women who sat three hours or less. One explanation is that prolonged sitting relaxes the largest muscles, and muscle contraction is needed to increase glucose uptake and stimulate the release of an enzyme (lipoprotein lipase) that metabolizes triglycerides and manufactures HDL (good cholesterol.)
If you have any questions, please call us anytime- Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 612-879-8000
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