Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a common problem
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a common problem for children and adults who are adjusting to life with less sunlight from shorter winter days and more time spent indoors.
If you find that you have less energy, are feeling depressed, overeating and sleeping longer but feeling worse then you’re likely suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).
Consider these tips to help you get through the colder overcast months with your mind and body intact:
Indulge In The Day Light Hours. Regardless of how much sunlight you’ve lost, take advantage of the sun when you can get it. Whether it be a
Indulge In The Day Light Hours. Regardless of how much sunlight you’ve lost, take advantage of the sun when you can get it. Whether it be a
quick walk around the block, opening your curtains with intention each day
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or finding an activity that will get you outdoors during the day, take advantage of that sunshine. Just because there is less light doesn’t mean you have to curb your activities.
Use The Sunlight To Set a Rhythm. A regular sleep-wake cycle will help regulate the other areas of your life- mentally and physically. When our bodies are familiar with a routine we just function better making us feel better. When you get up in the morning open your blinds to help your body connect wakefulness with sunlight. This can boost your mood and kick start your body for the day.
Stress Less. While the darkness can feel like a sad or stressful time to your body and there isn’t much you can do to change that, eliminate other stressful events in your life or at least keep them to a minimum. Many find to release stress they indulge in a physical activity that releases stress, visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic on a regular basis for a chiropractic adjustment or disconnect with relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation.
There’s no right way to deal with SAD but helping your body and mind to transition and thrive during the winter months is possible. Find ways to stay active and get as much sunlight as possible so that when spring arrives you’re ready for all of the things you didn’t remember missing so much.
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