Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog

Pedestrian Accident - Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic Serving Minneapolis

September 15, 2024
No one ever thinks about being hit by a car as they cross the street or walk on the sidewalk. Yet, pedestrian accidents happen. Should you find yourself in a pedestrian accident, it’s critical to understand you should and can get treated right away.  Although many people are injured in auto accidents each and every day, there are also other types of accidents that can take place. For instance, pedestrians can sustain injuries from accidents involving automobiles, motorcycles, and trucks. 

It can happen before you know it. One moment, you’re walking along the street, and in the next moment, a car, motorcycle, or truck has struck you. The injuries resulting from a pedestrian accident can vary from mild to severe. For individuals who have experienced an injury as a pedestrian, it’s important to seek out medical Quick read more or view full article attention as quickly as possible. Even if you do not believe you have sustained a serious injury, it’s still a good idea to get checked out and make certain there are no injuries that might not be immediately apparent.

Even if you are not sure you have sustained an injury, it’s still a good idea to contact Lyn Lake Chiropractic to schedule an evaluation. Our staff can perform a variety of assessments to evaluate your range of motion and check for injuries such as hip and pelvic misalignment and spinal injuries. 

In the event that we do detect any injuries, we will develop a customized treatment plan to ensure that these injuries heal properly and do not result in long-term pain and discomfort. This treatment plan may involve several in-office treatments as well as at-home exercises to promote healing and increase your range of motion. Read Less

Bicycle Accident - Lyn Lake Chiropractic Serving Minneapolis Minnesota

September 12, 2024
If you have ridden a bicycle for any length of time, you’re probably aware that bicycle accidents are very common – especially here in Minnesota. Going out on your bike means putting yourself at risk of everything from the minor scrapes that might result from a simple fall to far more severe injuries that can occur if a car hits you or you are otherwise thrown from the bike.

In fact, over 500,000 bicycle-related visits to United States emergency rooms occur each year. Head injuries are common among cycling injuries, as well as injuries to the neck or lower back. Then, of course, there are regular “wear-and-tear” injuries that regular riders tend to suffer from.

Head and neck problems: If you have a head or neck injury related to a bicycle accident, an experienced chiropractor Quick read more or view full article can work to realign your spine and strengthen the muscles in your Neck. They can massage away the soreness and teach you stretching exercises and good posture techniques so you can get back to riding.

Lower back pain:  Sitting on the bike for long periods of time puts stress on the spine and makes it prone to injury. When you visit the chiropractor, they will give you a realignment to ease the source of the pain. They can also teach you exercises to strengthen your core muscles, which support a healthy posture and strong back. 

If you are out for a bike ride or cycling to get exercise and/or getting back and forth to work - accidents do happen and we at Lyn Lake Chiropractic have treated many Bicycle Accident injuries.  Read Less

Lyn Lake Chiropractic has Free Massage Chairs in waiting room

January 29, 2022
Lyn Lake Chiropractic has Massage Chairs in our waiting room to use free of charge.  If you just need to take a break, or if you are waiting for someone getting treated - feel free to use our massage chairs.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic taking over Waxberg Clinic in Pine City

November 12, 2020
I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support the Waxberg family has received during this difficult time. While we are still in shock at Rachel’s death, I have learned that the world must go on. It is apparent that many people besides my family relied on Rachel. Friends, family, staff and patients are all hurting.

Rachel told me a long time ago that if anything ever happened to her that I cannot legally own the Clinic, as I am not a Chiropractor. I never really thought or cared about that, because what could happen? This week I had to realize and deal with the fact that in Minnesota, I have a short window of time to move ownership of the clinic to another Chiropractor.

For the last few months Rachel had been talking about the future and what she Quick read more or view full article would like to do with the clinic. Every time we had that conversation, she told me she had someone in mind, and that someday she would convince him to come back to Pine City. This week when I realized that I needed to make some tough decisions about the clinic, my first call would be to the “Someone” that Rachel had chosen, Dr. Travis Shermer.

The first call I made this week was to Dr. Travis Shermer. Our family has known Travis and his family since he was a kid. I asked Travis is he would consider taking over the clinic, or if he knew someone who he would recommend. After some late-night phone calls, I met this week with some of the staff from
Lyn Lake Chiropractic

in the metro. (This is where Travis currently works and is a partner) We spent hours talking. We talked about the clinic, how Rachel loved her job, her staff, and the love she had for her patients.

I learned that it was not the right time for Travis to uproot his family on a day’s notice and move back to Pine City. But I was introduced to a great Chiropractor named Dr. Joel Blomberg. Dr. Joel has been working at Lyn Lake Chiropractic side by side with Dr. Travis Shermer and Dr Kevin Schreifels. Dr. Joel as he prefers to be called likes all the things Pine City has to offer. He is from a small town in Wisconsin, he likes to hunt, fish, and be outdoors. I think Dr. Joel will love Pine City. I am grateful to Dr. Joel and his wife Becky for being willing to uproot their lives, and move here. I am grateful to Dr. Travis Shermer and Dr Kevin Schreifels at Lyn Lake Chiropractic for coming and helping me make some hard decision about the future of the clinic. I know that Rachel would have wanted the clinic to stay open, and continue to serve her patients. Please stop in and welcome Dr. Joel to Pine City, and say hi to the staff.
Thank you again for your love and support, Todd, Duke, Cole Read Less

Dealing with Stress

May 11, 2020
While stress has been increasing in recent months and years and now with the issue with Covid 19, it's still a massive issue in the United States and has a detrimental impact on health. Sources of stress vary from person to person, but the most commonly reported causes of stress are money, work, the economy, family responsibilities and health concerns.
Thankfully, chiropractic care can help combat the symptoms of stress and help you live a better life. 

Stress in Children

According to a wide-reaching study by the American Psychological Association (APA), nearly a third of all children surveyed indicated they have experienced physical symptoms associated with stress in the month prior to the study, like trouble falling asleep, stomachaches and headaches. Even more staggering, the youth-suicide rate today is four times higher than in the 1950s.

Stress and Overall Health

The most common symptoms of stress are feeling irritable, angry, overwhelmed, anxious, Quick read more or view full article fatigued and depressed.  When under stress, different areas of the body are affected. Some issues that are affected by stress and certain systems in our body that respond to stress as follows.

Musculoskeletal system: Muscles tense up and contract under stress like the back of your neck which can cause headaches, migraines and other conditions.  Upper back more between your shoulder blades that seem to always get super tight when we are stressed can cause neck pain, upper back pain and between your shoulder blades. 

Respiratory system: High stress can cause rapid breath, or hyperventilation, and trigger panic attacks and some people feel stress can cause asthma. 

Cardiovascular system: Acute stress can increase heart rate and inflammation in the coronary arteries, potentially increasing risk of stroke, higher blood pressure and more.

Endocrine system: While stressed, the adrenal glands produce cortisol, increasing risk of heart disease and diabetes. 
Nervous system: Under stress, the body will act as though it's under threat. This reaction is an innate response that has been occurring for millions of years. When the mind perceives a threat or the body experiences a shock, the body releases hormones that boost the ability to either "fight" or flee ("flight").

Most modern humans don't experience the same hazards our ancestors encountered, but this natural response has now transformed to reactions to modern day stresses—work, deadlines, traffic, illness, arguments, etc.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic can help with stress, we feel a regular adjustment and some muscle work can help people deal with their stress.

Chiropractic care is essential to the healthy function of the nervous system, which contains the brain and spinal cord. Chiropractic adjustments activate the parasympathetic system, which calms the "fight or flight" reaction triggered in the sympathetic system. Research has also shown that chiropractic can reduce blood pressure.  Our chiropractors will also give you things do do at home such as stretching, proper ergonomics and if needed can point you in the right direction to talk to a PT to help you set up a personal stretching routine. 

Call one of our three clinics to talk to a chiropractic doctor about chiropractic and stress. We offer free consultations which means you can call or stop by and see if what you are dealing with is something Lyn Lake Chiropractic can help better your life. 
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Lyn Lake Chiropractic incorporates the Graston technique

January 11, 2018

Lyn Lake Chiropractic incorporates the Graston technique along with chiropractic, massage and other amazing therapies. Lyn Lake Chiropractic get good results using Graston within two or three visits.  

The Graston Technique tools are excellent tools that we use to help break up myofascial adhesions. Using stainless steel tools, we can perform what is essentially a highly targeted and intense deep tissue massage. This new, localized inflammation, helps to increase blood-flow and promote the healing process, breaks down scar tissue and creates proper healing.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic focuses on a non-drug approach, so we mostly rely on our hands to adjust and put the vertebrae back in place very gently. We help to normalize the nervous system.  Chiropractic adjustment is very important when it comes to and getting patients better. When you introduce the soft tissue component, that’s when we get the best possible results. Many Quick read more or view full article chiropractors believe in the crack and go method, just walk in lay down get adjusted and your done.  We find using all our tools can help someone  with neck pain, lower back pain, running injuries and more.

I don’t get it, we believe the mis-aligned spine is a major issue, but if one doesn’t address the injured or tight muscles around your spine, then how can that crack and go stay in place? 

Furthermore, the changes and recovery happen a lot faster with more muscle work, more hands on therapy.  The adjustments alone can only provide so much of the success, massage, stretching, Graston and more physiotherapy would make more sense in keeping you out of pain or when you are in pain to help you heal faster and properly.  

Remember To Go To Lyn Lake Chiropractic Regularly- Especially if you are ill, in pain, under a lot of stress, pregnant or in an accident or trauma. Remember, it is much easier to prevent having an injury or a problem than it is to correct or fix the issue.

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Sleeping is very important - take care of your neck and back

January 10, 2018

Sleeping is very important since you should be sleeping at least eight hours a night.  Sleeping on a soft bed or couch can strain your neck and back muscles during the 8 hours you should be sleeping. Your spine is not adequately supported. Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended since it can cause additional strain on your neck and back. Make sure you have a mid to firm mattress that keeps the spine supported and helps maintain your spinal curvatures. 

 The best sleeping positions are on your back or side.  A pillow can be placed under the knees when lying on your back to take pressure off of the lower back. A good pillow that supports the curve of your neck is almost if not more important, if you sleeping on your side make sure the pillow is keeping your neck supported.

We get patients coming with neck pain and Quick read more or view full article back pain after sleeping, one of the first few questions we ask is what type of mattress they sleep on and what about the pillow.  It’s amazing how many people tells us they know they need a new bed or pillow but after we get them out of pain and correct the spine we try to help them decide what is a good supportive bed for them and what type of pillow will work best for everyone.  Regards to pillows, start slow - we don’t think you need to go out a buy an expensive pillow with all the bells and whistles, but a pillow you feel is right for you. 

We would be glad to have you come and we can help you figure out what type of bed or pillow you might or should have. Remeber regular chiropractic care is always very important to take care of your spine.

Remember To Lyn Lake Chiropractic Regularly-Especially if you are ill, under a lot of stress, pregnant or in an accident or trauma. Remember, it is much easier to prevent having an injury or a problem than it is to correct or fix the issue.

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Did you know we now have five Lyn Lake Chiropractic locations? If you're on the North side of Minneapolis, look us up! Or in the St Paul area, check us out!