Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog

Sinus Problems Chiropractic Can Help

December 18, 2015

Sinus Problems Got You Down? Chiropractic Can Help


This time of year, it isn’t uncommon to see many of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients struggling with sinus issues. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that almost 30 million adults are diagnosed with sinusitis on an annual basis, prompting over 11 million office visits. So this is a rather common problem in other regions as well. Admittedly, sometimes the issues can only be resolved by seeing a Quick read more or view full article medical doctor and being prescribed medication, but chiropractic can usually also help as well. 

The reason chiropractic is beneficial when it comes to your sinuses is that vertebral alignment is necessary in order for your sinuses to drain properly. Specifically, if the fluids don’t flow as they should due to issues within your spinal column, it increases the likelihood of swelling in that region and this is when problems begin as the drainage begins to accumulate, sometimes becoming infected as a result

Research has proven the benefits of chiropractic care when it comes to effectively dealing with recurrent sinus problems. For instance, there was one case study which involved a 12-year-old boy who was dealing with sinus infections every couple of months. Even though he was taking antibiotics to help control them, they kept reappearing over and over again—that is, until he started chiropractic care. 

After just two sessions with a chiropractor, he was finally able to quit taking his antibiotic as the infection was no longer present. Additionally, once he had completed three weeks of chiropractic care, researchers noted that he had better movement in his neck and upper-middle spine, allowing him to carry his head in a more upright, thus healthier position. 

Based on the amount of progress he made in a relatively short period of time, researchers concluded that "both patient and parents are aware of the quality of life that is returning as an apparent result of chiropractic care.” In other words, chiropractic can help not only relieve the bothersome symptoms of sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, headache, and fatigue), but it can essentially give you your life back by dealing with these issues once and for all.

If you struggle with sinus issues and live in the Minneapolis area try our Minneapolis Chiropractor  Dr. Kevin Schreifels at  Lyn Lake Chiropractic at (612) 879-8000 and schedule an appointment with us today!

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Posted by Dr. Kevin Schreifels

Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

October 27, 2015

4 Lesser Known Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

Although most people consider massage a luxury, something they can enjoy only when they have a spare bit of cash or when they’ve endured a week so stressful that they can’t even think straight, the reality is that massage therapy offers a lot of health benefits. Most aren’t very well-known though, so here are four of them to consider in case you are looking for a good reason to come into our Minneapolis chiropractic office and enjoy a massage (or two):

  1. Reduced anxiety. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that anxiety is one of the top mental issues in the U.S., afflicting roughly 40 million adults and costing over $42 billion annually due largely to repeat doctor visits. However, many studies have found that massage helps lessen feelings of anxiousness, which means that you’ll not only feel Quick read more or view full article better, but you’ll also potentially spend less time in the doctor’s office.


  1. Improved digestion. Johns Hopkins Medicine reports that therapeutic massage is helpful in easing chronic constipation. Therefore, if you find your bathroom time difficult and lengthy, a visit with one of our Minneapolis massage therapists may be just what you need to kind of “get things moving along.”


  1. Fewer headaches. If you suffer from regular, chronic headaches or migraines, research has proven that massage will likely help. In fact, in one study published in the American Journal of Public Health, the participants reported that they experienced fewer headaches after just one week of massage therapy. Furthermore, the headaches that they did have were shorter in duration, so the positive effects were twofold.


  1. Better sleep. When you are stressed and anxious or dealing with some type of physical pain due to an injury, your sleep will likely suffer. Fortunately, because massage helps resolve both anxiety and pain, you’ll probably notice that you have an easier time getting and staying asleep when engaging in regular massage therapy. Sleep has even been found to improve in cancer patients who engage in massage therapy which shows just how powerful this type of therapy is.

If you’re ready to experience these benefits (and more), contact Lyn Lake Chiropractic in Minneapolis at (612) 879-8000 and schedule your appointment today. Your health will thank you!

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Natural Ways to Relieve Headaches

September 29, 2015
5 All-Natural Ways to Relieve Headaches

When your head is pounding, it can feel almost impossible to simply live your life. And even though you have work, home, and family obligations, you may find that the only thing that makes you feel better is lying in bed or on the couch, which may be okay if you only have headaches occasionally. But if you tend to experience head pain more often than not, like some of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients do, then you are probably looking for a better solution.

Certainly, there are a number of medications out there designed to help you relieve your headaches and migraines, but they’re not always the best option. Either the ingredients in them make you feel wired and keep you up all night, or they make you so drowsy that you can’t stay awake long enough to hear about your Quick read more or view full article child’s day when they get home from school. 

So, if you’re looking for some all-natural headache cures that work, here are five to try the next time your head pain strikes:

  • Watch your diet. Certain foods have been found to actually trigger headache and migraine pain, which means that watching your diet can help reduce the number of head pain episodes, as well as lessening their duration and intensity. Some foods and ingredients to watch out for, according to WebMD, include cheeses, food additives such as nitrites and food coloring, Chinese food (thanks to the MSG), chocolate, caffeine, dried fruits, crackers, canned soups, and cold foods like ice cream. It also helps to keep a food diary so you can identify triggers specific to you.
  • Do some stretching exercises. Sometimes headaches are caused due to tight muscles in the neck and shoulder area, which makes loosening them critical to relieving the headache pain. One stretch to try is simply tilting your head from side to side as far as you can. Another involves standing up straight and rolling your shoulders back, bringing your shoulder blades together as close as you can. No matter which type of stretches you do, be sure to use slow and controlled movements so you don’t aggravate the area even further. 
  • Get a massage. If your headaches are due to stress and tension, a massage may be just what you need to help relax your tense muscles and your mind. Here at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, we offer soft tissue and massage therapy services to all of our Minneapolis chiropractic clients, potentially helping you lessen or eliminate your head pain entirely. In the meantime though, don’t be afraid to take a few minutes and give yourself a nice, soothing temple or neck massage. It may just release some of the pain and make you feel a better almost instantly.
  • Take peppermint oil and rub it on your forehead and temples. One study published in a German health publication found that, when compared to a placebo, individuals who took two peppermint oil capsules (each one containing 10 grams of 10% peppermint oil) and also spread some of the oil on their temples and foreheads experienced greater levels of relief in just 15 minutes time, with the positive effects lasting an hour later. This is definitely a great all-natural way to say goodbye to your head pain.
  • Engage in regular chiropractic care. Of course, we would be totally remiss if we didn’t tell you how great engaging in regular chiropractic care can be for easing your chronic headache pain. If your headaches are due to tension, they typically respond well to chiropractic since these particular types of headaches are often caused by subluxations (misalignments) in your neck area. Even migraines symptoms can lessen with chiropractic care, as one study conducted by a doctor at Macquarie University revealed that 22% of chiropractic patients experienced a “substantial reduction” in migraine symptoms as a result of treatment, with an additional 50% reporting “quite noticeable improvement.”

If you suffer from frequent headaches, make an appointment at Lyn Lake Chiropractic today. Our Minneapolis chiropractors will do what we can to help you relieve, and possibly even eliminate, all of your head-related pain!

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Sports Injury? See Your Minneapolis Chiropractor!

September 29, 2015

Want to Prevent or Treat a Sports Injury? See Your Minneapolis Chiropractor!


While having any type of injury is obviously no fun, sports injuries can seem ten times worse. This is largely because, in addition to the pain and aggravation they usually cause, sports injuries can also keep you from engaging in the one activity that makes you smile and brings you joy. 

Quick read more or view full article style="font-size:14px;">So, preventing these types of injuries helps you live a happier life and one way to achieve that goal is to make (and keep) regular appointments with Lyn Lake Chiropractic, your Minneapolis chiropractor. How does chiropractic help you avoid sports injuries?

Chiropractic as a Sports Injury Preventative

The main reason chiropractic is such a great preventative for sports injuries is that keeping your spine aligned allows your brain to effectively communicate with the rest of your body via your central nervous system, which is housed in your spinal column. This means better muscle response, improved performance, and a whole host of other sports-related benefits in addition to fewer sports injuries.

In fact, research published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders confirms chiropractic’s injury prevention effect on the lower body. In this particular study, 59 semi-elite Australian Rules footballers were split into two groups. Both received medical and sports management, but only one (the intervention group) received sports chiropractic treatments—first weekly, then bi-weekly, then monthly—for a period of 7 ½ months.

Each athlete was assessed prior to the study, as well as at the end. Based on a comparison between the groups, researchers concluded that chiropractic helped lower the number of lower-limb injuries these elite athletes endured, primarily when it came to strains and non-contact knee injuries.

Chiropractic Also Beneficial Should An Injury Occur

Of course, in addition to chiropractic helping prevent sports injuries, it is also beneficial should an injury occur. That’s why an estimated one-third of all American NFL football teams have a chiropractor on staff with three-quarters of the teams having referred a player to a chiropractor, even if one wasn’t immediately available. 

The types of sports injuries that can often be treated with a visit or two to your Minneapolis chiropractor include: neck pain, headaches, sprains, knee injuries, tendonitis, shin splints, elbow injuries, and more.

To prevent or treat your sports injury, make an appointment with Lyn Lake Chiropractor today. We’re here to make all of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients feel better before, during, and after participating in their sport of choice!

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Adjusted during pregnancy

September 30, 2014
We've had a many new patients calling asking if Lyn lake Chiropractic can treat and adjust pregnant mothers that are having low back pain and hip pain. I thought this would be a good blog topic.

Being a Chiropractor and father of 3 healthy young girls and all three girls births were awesome, no problems. My wife is a R.N. with Minneapolis Childrens Hospital and with her medical background we had a few issues at first. The medical model vs. chiropractic approach. Our children are now 6 yrs old, 9 yrs old and 10 yrs old and all very healthy. The issue we had was Ketrah my wife had the worst morning sickness from day one when she was pregnant to the great day of giving birth. She had symptoms of feeling sick all the time, bad headaches, low back pain and her hips were always sore. Quick read more or view full article We are avid runners meaning we would run everyday if she felt she could.

We had questions.
Is it okay to keep running during her pregnancy?
Should she get Adjusted during pregnancy?
What to do with low back pain while being pregnant?
Can getting adjusted help her from feeling so sick all the time?

The answers are yes you can run if your able to, yes you can get adjusted and, yes getting adjusted can help with that bad morning sickness of feeling weak and sick all day.

While she was pregant with the first child her O.B. Doctor was concerned with Ketrah's small frame and being 5'5" she could have issues with giving birth, they discussed a C-Section. We decided to try keeping her hips, sacrum and low back pain free and subluxation free as much as possible. Subluxation free means - Keeping all her joints, vertabrae in top notch biomechanically moving ( Not stuck ). We decided to start adjusting her until she was in her 3rd month esp. with her low back - just to be safe. As she gained weight and with the changing of her body she started to have increased low back pain and hip pain daily. With some light easy muscle work (massage) and light adjustments we had 3 perfect natural births with no issues to the mother or child. 

The answer to:  Can we at Lyn Lake Chiropractic adjust and treat pregnant women? I'd have to say I can say yes with my own personal experience as a father of 3 little girls I can tell you how important it is to give yourself the chance to have less pain if it only takes some light adjustments.

Please call us at Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 612-879-8000 for a free consult anytime or if you have more questions.

Expectant mothers will develop lower back pain some time during their pregnancy. With the average weight gain of 25 to 30lbs, you will find your center of gravity shifting and causing additional stress on your lower back. Many women have found relief to their lower back pain and have had easier deliveries by receiving chiropractic care throughout their pregnancy. Scientific studies have found that spinal manipulation carries no increased risk to the mother or baby. Chiropractic care is also helpful after delivery as your body starts to tighten up those loose ligaments that developed during your pregnancy. It is important to make sure your joints are aligned before your muscles return back to their pre-pregnancy state. Call your local chiropractor and when your looking for a chiropractor that adjust preganant mothers, make sure they have children of their own!  Practice does make you good at what you do! Read Less
Posted by Dr Kevin Schreifels, minneapolis chiropractor

Whiplash Commonly Occurs - Chiropractor

May 31, 2012

Whiplash commonly occurs as a result of a motor vehicle collision when (typically) there is a sudden stop or slow down that occurs so fast a person cannot adequately brace himself or herself, even when aware of the impending collision. This is because the “whiplash” effect is over in about second and we cannot voluntarily contract a muscle quicker. The injury effect is worsened by several other factors including: 1. Small target / large “bullet” vehicle; 2. Too much seat inclination; 3. Improper headrest position; 4. A “springy” seat back; 5. A tall slender neck (females > males); and 6. Head rotation at the time of impact. Suffice it to say, in many cases, there is little one can do to avoid injury. So, how do x-rays help?

Let’s use a classic “rear-end collision” as our example. The driver (female) is seat-belted, in a small compact car, and her car Quick read more or view full article is stopped in traffic. All of a sudden, the car is struck from behind by a ¾ ton pickup truck (“bullet vehicle”). Just before impact, the driver, startled by the squeal of the tires breaking suddenly, turns her head to look behind the car via the rear view mirror. Upon impact, the car is propelled forward and she feels her head accelerate back initially, ride over the headrest (because it was set too low) and then accelerate forwards, without striking the steering wheel. Her head returns back to an upright position and the she reports being “shaken up.

” She visits her chiropractor and an examination reveals neck pain at the endpoints of forward and backward bending, headaches, numbness into the left arm to the thumb side of the hand and weakness in certain arm and wrist muscles. The chiropractor orders a flexion-extension cervical spine x-ray as shown below:

The x-rays are explained to the patient as follows: “…The middle image shows a reversed cervical curve when bending forwards but notice how little the spine and head have moved forwards? It hurts because the ligaments that hold the bones together have either over stretched or tore, which is called a “sprain.” If the head and neck are forced far enough forwards, then something has got to give. Either bones will fracture or, ligaments will tear, or both. When ligaments tear, the bones separate or open up greater than the levels above and below (see the 2 arrows). This creates a rather acute angle, like someone broke a stick (see the 2 arrows). Looking closely on the x-ray, the vertebra above appears to be sliding forwards (C4 over 5), which again supports torn ligaments and loss of stability.”

We realize you have a choice in where you choose your healthcare services. If you, a friend or family member requires care for whiplash, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future. Read Less

Neck Pain and Chiropractic Treatment

November 13, 2011

Female patient presented with neck pain that had been present for 2 months. The pain came on gradually and without a specific cause. Her vocation is answering the phone for a busy mail order store. She works 40 hours a week, 5 days per week and never weekends. Pain worsens with work, especially by the end of the 8 hour shift. Other pain producers include driving more than 30 minutes, reading more than 30 minutes, and washing hair with the head back. Pain improves with resting the head on a chair or pillow, moving the head in circles, 600 mg of Ibuprofen (repeated 3x/day), and a hot shower. She describes the pain as an ache with intermittent sharp pain that is becoming more frequent, “…when I move the wrong way.” There is no shooting pain into the arms or hands.

Sound familiar? This is a “typical” neck pain patient that Quick read more or view full article presents to chiropractic offices around the world. What is different is that every person is unique and each case must be individually managed. For example, some patients “hate doctors” or are extremely anxious about going to any doctor. This might stem back to a prior “bad experience” with a health care provider at a very young age or perhaps even a more recent event. None-the-less, the approach used in this type of presentation may be best if it is very methodical, reassuring, and fully explained. A “low-force” type of manipulation may be best suited for this type of person as “cracking” of the neck may be too frightening for this patient. On the other hand, a different patient may not be happy unless there is a “good crack” and will not be satisfied until a chiropractic adjustment is performed.

It is equally important in both cases that a complete explanation of,

  1. What is the condition causing the symptoms?
  2. What can be done to treat it (that is, “what are my treatment options”)?
  3. Will the proposed treatment “fit” into my busy schedule, financial situation, and my philosophy about health care?

Providing answers to these questions will usually end with the best results, as the patient will understand the issues most important to them and will have confidence that those issues are understood and appreciated by the doctor. In both cases, management may include

  1. modifying the work station by switching to a head set rather than pinching a phone between the neck and shoulder;
  2. evaluating the patient at their work station to check for proper posture at the desk, proper computer monitor positioning, etc. and making modifications as needed;
  3. teaching the patient cervical range of motion exercises and other stretches that can be done at the work station, multiple times a day, that only take a minute or two;
  4. cervical traction (if this “feels good” when tested during the exam);
  5. use of a cervical or contoured pillow;
  6. neck / upper body strengthening exercises;
  7. the use of ice as needed;
  8. an anti-inflammatory diet (for example, a gluten-free diet);
  9. nutritional supplementation, as indicated. Of course, most of the time, all of these approaches do not have to be included, but are options.

Neck pain, headaches, and upper back pain are conditions are commonly treated by chiropractors. If you, a family member or a friend require care, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our service. We are proud that chiropractic care has consistently scored the highest level of satisfaction when compared to other forms of health care provision and we look forward in serving you and your family presently and in the future.

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Website to Better Serve Minneapolis, MN

February 3, 2011
Lyn Lake Chiropractic Launches New Website to Better Serve Minneapolis, MN

Lyn Lake Chiropractic announces the launch of their new Minneapolis, MN Website. With improved functionality, additional information and more interactive features, they hope to better serve their patients and provide them with the resources they need to make informed decisions regarding their health and wellness.

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) February 3, 2011

Lyn Lake Chiropractic has launched a new Website to better serve the Minneapolis, MN community and their patients. In addition to providing helpful information on common chiropractic injuries and treatments, the updated site features a regularly maintained blog, FAQ section and links to resourceful articles.

For over ten years, the chiropractors at Lyn Lake have been committed to providing breakthrough pain treatment. Their goal is to relieve pain and discomfort and help patients maintain a comfortable, productive and healthy lifestyle. From chronic back and neck pain, to whiplash and auto accident Quick read more or view full article injuries, they utilize cutting edge technology and techniques to help patients achieve maximum results.

“We have always strived to stay up to date with the best technology and practices in our industry,” says Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Doctor of Chiropractic and owner of Lyn Lake Chiropractic. “We see the new site as a way for us to better explain some of the common sources of pain that people experience as well as answer many of the questions they may have before they visit the clinic.”

In addition to being informative, now offers links to their Twitter, Facebook and YouTube profiles. “We want to provide our patients with as much information as possible, in the format that they prefer.

Whether they want to post on our Facebook page, or ask us a question through our Online form, we believe that it’s important to provide a means for a two-way interaction,” says Schreifels. “We would love the opportunity to treat the people who visit the site. But ultimately, we want to provide the community with a resource to help them make informed decisions about their health."

Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has a talented team of experienced chiropractors, massage therapists and personal trainers. They also offer a breadth of other services such as chiropractic for children and the elderly, chiropractic for pregnant women, treatments for headaches, running injuries, sports injuries, and other special add-on services such as nutritional counseling, lifestyle advice, and massage therapy.

To schedule your free consultation call the clinic’s 24-hour answering service at (612) 879-8000 or visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 2937 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis MN. The clinic also accepts walk-ins and “just driving by” appointments.

For more information about Lyn Lake Chiropractic visit or take a virtual tour of the clinic at Read Less

Headaches helped by Chiropractic

January 3, 2010
Most people with headaches treat themselves with over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), acetaminophen (Tylenol) and naproxen (Aleve). If these fail to provide more than short-term relief (which they often do), other supportive treatments are available. It is important to remember that OTC medications may have side effects and potential interactions with prescription medications. This can lead to a whole host of problems and emphasizes the value of alternatives to drugs. Here are some of the most important (and effective) nonpharmaceutical options for dealing with headaches:

A Minneapolis Chiropractor:  I have never seen a headache patient who did not have some type of misalignment of the bones of the neck (cervical spine). It is amazing how much muscle spasm and tension can be caused by misaligned bones. When bones are even slightly out of alignment, the muscles attached to them become stressed, so they become tight. Tight Quick read more or view full article muscles restrict the flow of information through the nerves and circulation through the blood vessels. This can contribute to all sorts of problems, including headaches and neck pain.

Having your chiropractor adjust those spinal bones back into their normal alignment will reset your system. The joints will have better movement, the muscles can begin to relax on their own and the circulation and nervous systems can start to flow again. The spine and the bones of the extremities really do hold the key to feeling good for the long term.

Massage Therapy: A good therapeutic massage by a certified massage therapist can relax muscle tissue, improve circulation, and clear out the toxins that are trying to drain (lymphatic system). It is astonishing how much muscle tension accompanies any type of headache in the body. The muscles of the neck and upper back are among the most powerful in the body. After all, they have to hold up the head, which can weigh as much as a bowling ball.

When chiropractic and massage work together, patients will respond especially well to care. Consider having chiropractic and massage treatments within 36 hours of each other. This way, the adjustments and the muscle relaxation can work together.

Ergonomics:  Daily habits and body positions are extremely important when it comes to preventing headaches. For example, for many people, headaches start with something as simple as their pillow. In general, sleeping on your back is best with a pillow under your neck and head. If you are going to sleep on your side, the pillow needs to be wide enough to span the distance between your shoulders and neck. Custom-made pillows are now available to help give you the proper support you need. Ask your chiropractor for guidance in this area to help ensure you get the pillow that's best for you.

Your computer desk or workstation and telephone setup also need to be examined. Improper keyboard and monitor placement can cause eye strain and make you crane your neck for hours on end. A chair that is not adjusted properly or fit to your body type can stress the entire body, including the neck. All of these factors can contribute to headaches.

Exercise: Performed correctly, specific exercises can help strengthen upper back and neck muscles and improve posture, which will reduce the risk of muscle tension and poor-posture-related dysfunction that can contribute to headaches. Exercise also reduces emotional stress, which often goes hand in hand with a headache. Remember, make sure that the exercises you are performing do not strain any of your neck and upper back muscles. Consult with your doctor about the exercises you are doing to make sure they are not stressing your body too much and creating further problems.

Which Type(s) of Headache Do You Get?

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, and yet their causes aren't well-understood. A tension headache is generally a diffuse, mild to moderate pain that many people describe as feeling as if there's a tight band around their head. As many as 90 percent of adults will suffer one or more tension headaches. Tension headaches are more common among women than men.
Migraine headaches - are the second most common type of headache. An estimated 28 million people in the United States (about 12 percent of the population) will experience migraine headaches at some point in their life. Migraine headaches affect children as well as adults. Before puberty, boys and girls are affected equally by migraine headaches, but after puberty, more females than males are affected. An estimated 6 percent of men and up to 18 percent of women will experience a migraine headache during their lifetime.

Cluster headaches are so named because the attacks come in groups. The pain arrives with little, if any, warning, and has been described as the most severe and intense of any headache type. It generally lasts from 30-45 minutes, although it might persist for several hours before disappearing. Unfortunately, the pain can recur later in the day. Most sufferers experience one to four headaches a day during a cluster period.

Cluster headaches frequently surface during the morning or late at night; the cluster cycle can last weeks or months and then can disappear for months or years. It is estimated that less than 1 percent of the population are victims of cluster headaches. More men (about five to one) than women suffer from cluster headaches.
There is no doubt that headaches of all types affect quality of life. Some people have occasional headaches that resolve quickly, while others are debilitated. Tension, migraine, and cluster headaches are not life-threatening. However, due to the quality and intensity of the pain, people often have trouble concentrating, and their work and home life suffer. In many cases, you hear of people having to go to sleep in order to make the headache disappear, which can be difficult to do when you're in pain.

What You Can Do to Get Rid of Headaches?

Most people with headaches treat themselves with over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications such as asprin (Motrin, Advil), (Tylenol) and  (Aleve). If these fail to provide more than short-term relief (which they often do), other supportive treatments are available. It is important to remember that OTC medications may have side effects and potential interactions with prescription medications. This can lead to a whole host of problems and emphasizes the value of alternatives to drugs.

Here are some of the most important (and effective) nonpharmaceutical options for dealing with headaches:

Chiropractic: I have never seen a headache patient who did not have some type of misalignment of the bones of the neck (cervical spine) which can cause neck pain and headaches. It is amazing how much muscle spasm and tension can be caused by misaligned bones. When bones are even slightly out of alignment, the muscles attached to them become stressed, so they become tight. Tight muscles restrict the flow of information through the nerves and circulation through the blood vessels. This can contribute to all sorts of problems, including headaches and neck pain.

Having your chiropractor adjust those spinal bones back into their normal alignment will reset your system. The joints will have better movement, the muscles can begin to relax on their own and the circulation and nervous systems can start to flow again. The spine and the bones of the extremities really do hold the key to feeling good for the long term.

Massage Therapy: A good therapeutic massage by a certified massage therapist can relax muscle tissue, improve circulation, and clear out the toxins that are trying to drain (lymphatic system). It is astonishing how much muscle tension accompanies any type of headache in the body. The muscles of the neck and upper back are among the most powerful in the body. After all, they have to hold up the head, which can weigh as much as a bowling ball.

When chiropractic and massage work together, patients will respond especially well to care. I suggest to my patients that they should have their massage and chiropractic treatments within 36 hours of each other. This way, the adjustments and the muscle relaxation can work together.

Ergonomics: Daily habits and body positions are extremely important when it comes to preventing headaches. For example, I have found that for many people, headaches start with something as simple as their pillow. In general, sleeping on your back is best with a pillow under your neck and head. If you are going to sleep on your side, the pillow needs to be wide enough to span the distance between your shoulders and neck. Custom-made pillows are now available to help give you the proper support you need. Ask your chiropractor for guidance in this area to help ensure you get the pillow that's best for you.

Your computer desk or workstation and telephone setup also need to be examined. Improper keyboard and monitor placement can cause eye strain and make you crane your neck for hours on end. A chair that is not adjusted properly or fit to your body type can stress the entire body, including the neck. All of these factors can contribute to headaches.

Exercise: Performed correctly, specific exercises can help strengthen upper back and neck muscles and improve posture, which will reduce the risk of muscle tension and poor-posture-related dysfunction that can contribute to headaches. Exercise also reduces emotional stress, which often goes hand in hand with a headache. Remember, make sure that the exercises you are performing do not strain any of your neck and upper back muscles. I often recommend my patients who are starting a fitness routine for the first time to consult with a personal trainer or physical therapist for at least 3-5 sessions to learn the proper techniques for exercises. For those of you already exercising, consult with your doctor about the exercises you are doing to make sure they are not stressing your body too much and creating further problems. Call your local Minneapolis chiropractor.

612.879.8000 Read Less

Press Releases for December 3, 2009

December 3, 2009
Press Releases for December 3, 2009

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic Honored as 2009 Minneapolis, MN Talk of the Town Award Recipient
Lyn Lake Chiropractic, located in Minneapolis, MN, is awarded with the 2009 Talk of the Town Plaque of Honor for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction.

The Talk of the Town Awards are the only independent award that honors the best in business based on popular user reviews found on today's most active user review websites.

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) December 3, 2009 -- Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has been honored by Celebration Media U.S. as one of its 2009 Talk of the Town Award Recipients in the category of top Minneapolis, Minnesota chiropractors.

2009 Minneapolis Chiropractic Talk of the Town Award:

The Talk of the Town Awards recognize a host of businesses and professionals who have been noted by their customers through multiple websites for their excellent service and care. Research is collected and based Quick read more or view full article on high rankings from user review websites including,,,,, and

We pride ourselves on offering the best quality chiropractic care possible. For the Minneapolis community to rate us so highly tells us we are living up to the superior standards we strive to achieve.
Achieving five star ratings across numerous sites, the chiropractors, massage therapists and personal trainers at Lyn Lake Chiropractic have a strong record of customer satisfaction. The clinic is also recognized as the Official Chiropractor of the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon and accredited by the Better Business Bureau.

“We are honored to receive the 2009 Talk of the Town Plaque of Honor for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction,” says Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Doctor of Chiropractic and owner of Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

“We pride ourselves on offering the best quality chiropractic care possible. For the Minneapolis community to rate us so highly tells us we are living up to the superior standards we strive to achieve.”

Lyn Lake Chiropractic also offers other services, such as chiropractic for children and the elderly, chiropractic for pregnant women, treatments for headaches, running injuries, sports injuries, and other special add-on services such as nutritional counseling, lifestyle advice, and massage therapy.

To schedule your free consultation call the clinic’s 24-hour answering service at (612) 879-8000 or visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 2937 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis MN.

The clinic also accepts walk-ins and “just driving by” appointments.??For more information about Lyn Lake Chiropractic visit Read Less

Whiplash, auto injury - minneapolis chiropractic

November 11, 2009
Auto Injuries:

According to the Insurance Research Council, nearly 1/3 of all claimants injured in motor vehicle accidents (MVA's) seek treatment from doctors of chiropractic. This is an impressive number given that the National Safety Council (NSC) has determined there to be more than 12 million MVA's annually involving
more than 20 million vehicles.

The reason individuals like yourself choose chiropractic care for treatment of injuries sustained in MVA's is simple - chiropractic care is exceptional in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, especially of the spine. Since the most common injuries associated with MVA's are sprains and strains of the spinal muscles and ligaments, it's only natural that chiropractic be the treatment of choice.
Many studies have also found individuals injured in MVA's prefer chiropractic care for the treatment of their injuries. One such study evaluated 190 whiplash injury victims and found those who received chiropractic care reported treatment satisfaction of 100%.

1.Balla Quick read more or view full article JI, Iansek R. Headaches arising from disorders of the cervical spine. In: Hopkins A, ed. Headache: Problems in Diagnosis and Management. London: WB Saunders; 1988.

Minimum Accident Speed to Cause Injury:

Minimum Accident Speed to Cause Injury:Studies involving live humans have demonstrated that a motor vehicle accident of as little as 5 mph can induce cervical (neck) injury. However, other studies have shown that cars can often withstand crashes of 10 mph or more without sustaining damage.
Motor vehicle accidents can result in a number of very diverse and complex injuries and symptoms. This is due to the diversity of factors involved with the each MVA - i.e. vectors of the collision, size of the vehicles involved in collision, preexisting health conditions of victims, age of victims, size and strength of victims, etc.


The Forwards-flexion and/or backwards-extension of the neck essentially
results in a soft tissue sprain/strain injury to the structures within the cervical
and upper thoracic spinal regions. When the initial impact occurs and the head
is forced in either excessive flexion or excessive extension, protective
reflexes cause the muscles of the neck to forcefully contract which "whips" the
head back in the opposite direction. The resulting injury often leads to
numerous symptoms, many of which are confusing and poorly understood.
Symptoms following a "whiplash" accident include:

  • neck pain, tenderness, achiness and stiffness
  • cervical muscle spasms
  • tenderness and nodules in superficial cervical musculature
  • cervical reduced range of motion
  • post-traumatic headaches (including migraine and muscle-tension headaches)
  • shoulder and interscapular pain
  • hand and finger pain, numbness and tingling
  • blurred vision
  • difficulty swallowing/feeling of lump in throat
  • dizziness and balance problems
  • lightheadedness
  • post-traumatic depression and cognitive problems


    Headaches are the second most common complaint following motor vehicle accidents (MVA's). Like the many other MVA symptoms, headache may not be present immediately following the accident and may take several weeks and often months to eventually surface.

    Most post-traumatic headaches are thought to originate from the soft tissues and facet joints of the neck as well as injury or irritation to the nerves of the upper cervical spine.

    Back Pain:

    In addition to whiplash/neck pain and injuries, the mid and lower back are also frequently injured in motor vehicle accidents (MVA's).

    Mid Back Pain:

    The mid back or thoracic spine is most commonly injured as a result of the asymmetry of most seat belt designs. As the torso moves forward the seat belt locks and the torso is forced to stop at the end of the shoulder strap. Because the shoulder strap crosses only one shoulder (usually the left), the side without a strap (usually right) is able to travel forward further which results in a forward flexing and twisting injury to the mid back.

    Lower Back Pain:

    The lumbar spine is also frequently injured, but the mechanism differs from the above. As the torso and pelvis move forward the pelvis is stopped by the lap belt. However, the torso continues to move forward which producing a shearing force in the lumbar spine. These injuries often result in lumbar disc injuries.

    Chiropractic care is a safe, natural, noninvasive, and addresses the cause of the symptoms. Our treatments also include active patient participation, and in some cases, lifestyle modifications. While we do focus on eliminating pain early on, we realize that in addition to pain - optimal tissue healing, restoration of normal function, and prevention of future recurrences and reinjuries - are equally important.

    Our treatments at Lyn Lake Chiropractic are highlighted by our use of many gentle and highly effective spinal adjustive techniques. When used properly, these techniques allow us to safely and effectively reduce pain levels, reduce muscles spasms, eliminate inflammation, restore normal joint motion and biomechanics, prevent or minimize degenerative processes, and minimize the likelihood of future recurrences.

    We also incorporate many natural and safe adjunctive therapies into our treatment plan to further assist in the healing process. Some common adjunctive therapies include ice therapy, heat therapy, physical therapies like therapeutic ultrasound and muscle stimulation, spinal traction, soft tissue mobilization, spinal exercises and stretches, and nutritional supplementation.

    Don't Delay! Call Today!

    If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident, call (or have them call) our office immediately. The quicker you receive the care you need, the quicker your injuries will heal and the faster you can get on with your life. Don't delay, call today! Lyn Lake Chiropractic 612-879-8000 Read Less
  • When to take my child to see a Chiropractor

    How can I tell if my child has spinal problems or needs to be taken to a chiropractic clinic for treatment?

    Unless your child has obvious problems it can be difficult for a parent to know when a child’s spine is not working correctly. There are some signs which can indicate spinal problems.

    These include:
    • Sleeping patterns changing for the worse
    • Breastfeeding difficulties 
    • Can't turn their head to one side
    • One shoulder higher than the other as you stand behind them

    Common childhood disorders can also be linked with spinal dysfunction, these include:
    • Having too many ear infections
    •  Regular sore throats and colds
    • Colic/reflux
    • Asthma 
    • Scoliosis
    • Headaches - child should not have headaches!
    • Bedwetting and/or constipation
    • Growing pains - usually the muscles are sore from the bones growing and muscles catching up.
    • ADHD
    One of the most common reasons for parents to do look for a chiropractic clinic is after some type of injury happens, we see a great Quick read more or view full article deal of playground injuries, gymnastics injuries, football and soceer injuries.  Neck pain and back pain seems to be common withthese sports.

    Spinal misalignments that may occur at the time of the injury will not necessarily result in immediate pain or symptoms.

    In addition to physical stress, parents should be aware that emotional and chemical stress affect the child’s nervous system and may also warrant a spinal check up and maybe some regular adjustments.

    Having three girls and very active in sports, there has been many times I was able to help them.  And, there has many times we had to take them in to see an Orthopedic for broken bones, but even after they getthe cast off we were able to help them get there already sore muscles to heal faster with some hands on massage, stretching, Rock Taping and other physiotherapy.  When look for a chiropractor or a chiropractic clinic, one advice I tell people is, see if that chiropractor has child of his own.  Chiropractic care for children is for sure something worth checking into. 
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    If you were in a car accident and starting to have symptoms

    With the weather changing and the roads are getting icy and slippery, there seems to be a number of auto accidents. If you were in a car accident and starting to have symptoms such as whiplash type pain - headaches, neck pain, increased neck pain when you're turning your head or if you have some new odd lower back pain, any of these symptoms could mean it's time to seek out some medical care and just get checked out.

    Our Chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic serving Minneapolis and St. Paul Minnesota know what it takes to help get you back to how you felt before the car accident.  

    Remember when the temperatures drop and there’s ice or snow on the road, allow more time to travel and for sure, keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you, giving you plenty of time to stop.  Quick read more or view full article Always wear your seatbelt. 

    Our Minneapolis chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic are specially trained and have years of experience in treating car accident injuries.  We treat St. Paul Chiropractic patients and surrounding suburbs.  

    If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please give us a call. 

    612-879-8000 Uptown Minneapolis or  612 - 378-1050 Northeast Minneapolis


    Lyn Lake Chiropractic Minneapolis, Lyn Lake Chiropractic Northeast Minneapolis and  Lyn Lake Chiropractic St. Paul, Minnesota. 


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    Having these amazing CCEP Chiropractors,

    Dr. Kevin Schreifels started Lyn Lake Chiropractic in 2000 located in Uptown Minneapolis just a few blocks from the four inner city lakes we have in the Minneapolis, which is a Mecca for runners. Anyone that is a runner, or training for a marathon, 1/2 marathon or one of the many 5k or 10k races that Minneapolis offers have ran around these lakes.

     Dr. Kevin Schreifels has finished 12 marathons, at least 10 1/2 marathons and many shorter races.  With his personal experience with Minneapolis running injuries and treating himself he felt with the growing city of athletes it was very important to add two more amazing chiropractors to help with healing our athlete’s.  Lyn Lake Chiropractic is the Official Sponsor of the Twin Cities Marathon for more than 18 years, meaning in 18 years with TCM we have seen and treated many runners.

    Quick read more or view full article /> Dr. Ryan Jones and Dr. Travis Shermer are both Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner. 

    Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner aka: CCEP -  Dr. Ryan Jones and Dr. Travis Shermer attended postgraduate education in understanding extremities and to better diagnosis and provide better treatment involving each joint. This postgraduate program is very intense with 105 hours , 7 weekend seminars with 7 written tests and then a final practical exam to be certified as a Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner, CCEP.

    Many patients that first seek out chiropractic care are looking for help with spine issues, neck pain, upper back pain and lower back pain.  But, once they walk into Lyn Lake Chiropractic and the chiropractors not only surprise our patients with the amazing care we can offer in helping with spine issues, but when they realize we also specialize and are highly trained in helping not only spine issues but extremities issue, these patients feel like they won the lottery.   We usually hear, this is amazing I didn't know chiropractors work on extremities. 

    With the combined 20 years in practice and having these amazing CCEP Chiropractors, Lyn Lake Chiropractic know they have the tools to help anyone that walks or limps into our clinic.  We can help with neck pain, back pain, headaches, knee pain, foot pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, TMJ pain and more.

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic chiropractors offer Active Release Techniques (ART), Graston Technique, Kinesio Taping - RockTape, dry needling, and other advanced rehabilitation offer better care to our patients. 

    We just want to say thank you to Dr. Ryan Jones and Dr. Travis Shermer for all the extra-long hours they have done to better themselves and Lyn Lake Chiropractic in turn helping every patient that comes in our clinics. 

    If you are looking for a chiropractic clinic that can help keep you healthy, or help get you back to being healthy give us a call.

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic Uptown Minneapolis       Call:  612-879-8000
    Lyn Lake Chiropractic Northeast Minneapolis   Call:  612-378-1050
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    Did you know we now have five Lyn Lake Chiropractic locations? If you're on the North side of Minneapolis, look us up! Or in the St Paul area, check us out!