Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog

#1 with Minneapolis Police Department

February 5, 2011

Dr. Kevin Schreifels - Dan Casper came in again just ahead of me in 7:02 for Top Fireman and #1 overall --- Congrats to Minneapolis Fire Department on a great win!

Voss is Top Cop again – Minneapolis Police Department, with the #2 overall in 7:21.

David Voss #1 with Minneapolis Police Department.

I proudly represented my fabulous sponsor Lyn Lake Chiropractic and in fact I had a Ms. Cathy Anderson? or something like that as a teacher from Minneapolis. She came up to me after the race and said she had just seen you at Lyn Lake Chiropractic and she loves you guys (who doesn't?)

Thank you again for sponsoring me. Handshakes and Hugs,

Dave Voss

The Challenge:
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is proud to announce its 30th year of going vertical to defeat cystic fibrosis. Help us make CF Quick read more or view full article stand for Cure Found by recruiting your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors to join us at the Climb for a Cure.

The Goal:
The goal: 1280 Steps. 50 Floors. 1 Cure.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) s a life shortening, genetic disease affecting approximately 30,000 children and young adults in the US. A defective gene causes the body to produce an abnormally think, sticky substance in the lungs and digestive system that hinders the body's ability to breathe and absorb nutrients. Currently, there is no cure. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is aggressively pursuing a cure for CF by efficiently investing in cutting edge, life saving science.

Thanks to all the athletes and volunteers for helping a great fundraiser this year. Read Less

Did you know we now have five Lyn Lake Chiropractic locations? If you're on the North side of Minneapolis, look us up! Or in the St Paul area, check us out!